Stalker | Spiderman

788 28 2

Word count: 1258

The loud bass from the speakers thumped throughout the house as you sat at the kitchen counter. It was your friend Ariana's birthday party and everyone in the grade had been invited to come.

Even Peter Parker, that boy from your class. You hadn't spoken to him before, but there was no doubt you thought he was adorable. He was also very smart, he always got good grades. And once, you accidentally walked into the boys' changerooms and caught him half-naked. He left you drooling over his well-kept abs.

Even though you really wanted to ask him out you were afraid it would ruin your reputation, since you were "popular" and he was considered lame.

You watched from the kitchen as him and Ned stood in the hallway, watching kids dance and live the night of their lives. The smell of alcohol was in the air, which made your nose sting. You had only taken a sip but the taste was bitter and yuck.

Ariana shined amongst the crowd, mostly because she was wearing a tight pink glittery dress. "Happy Birthday to me!" She screamed, falling over. All your "friends" giggled as they stumbled to try and get her up.

It was a mess. You wanted to get out of there. There were people making out on the couch, staggering around drunk, and getting so giggly that they were dangerous. You couldn't take it anymore.

You trudged through the sweaty people and turned for the hall, completely forgetting about Peter and Ned being there. You bumped into Peter, stumbling over from fright.

He catches you and helps you up."O-oh Y/N! Are you okay?" He asks, You feel yourself blush a bit, and see his cheeks tint red too. AGGH AWKWARD!!

"I-I'm fine, thanks Pete" you nod before pushing past them. You bit your finger just in case it was a dream. It wasn't.

"Hey Y/N where you go-" You walk out the door, closing it shut. You didn't want anyone to follow you. You walked down the pathway, relieved to smell the fresh air of the evening instead of the stuffy, stinky air of the room. You stepped over cracks and kicked tiny stones and you hummed you way through the neighbourhood, not wanting to care about anything.

Peter POV
"Hey Y/N where you go-" Ned says as she shuts the door on us. "-Ing"

"Did you see the way I caught her?" I squealed. "Yeah yeah Peter, i saw" Ned rolls his eyes. "She's so pretty up close, and i swear she wasn't even wearing makeup" I say.

"Mhm. Wow, look at Liz's dress, isn't it nice?" Ned asks, gazing at the girl in the cherry red outfit.

"Ehh yeah" i mumbled, thinking about Y/N. The way her hair sways when she walks, the way her cute hands are covered by her long sweater sleeves, the cute sneezes! She's just so kind, smart, sweet. Ugh..i just like her so much. Wait, not like, love. But we had never chatted to each other and she was one of the popular kids so there was no chance of me being with her anyway....Little did Peter know was that you had the same feelings for him

"I'm going to go follow her" i say. Ned looks at me. "So you're practically going to be a stalker?"

"I want to know where she's going and make sure she's safe" I say, heading out the door.

"I'll be calling you!" Ned shouts.

"Calling who?" Says Michelle. "Um, calling the wind spirits!" Ned responds while failing to do a ritual dance. Michelle shakes her head and walks away. "Loser"

Reader POV
Everything was peaceful until you had this constant feeling someone was following you.

You kept on nervously looking back, throwing rocks into bushes to see if anyone was going to pounce on you. "You know, I am seriously going to throw myself on the road if you don't stop!" You call out to the sky to try and get attention.

The crickets chirped signalling the awkwardness. "Fine then!" You shout and run to the road, lying yourself down. "Anyone bother?" You call again.

"I know you're following me and it's not cool!" You sigh. Maybe you were just hallucinating from the alcohol. You start to get up when a car starts coming stright towards you. You open your mouth to scream and scrabble to get out the way when a red figure saves you from your doom.

You scream. "AAAAAHH! Help! HELP ME!" you open your eyes to see a familiar face. "Sp-Spiderman?" You gasp. "What are you doing in the sub-AAGH!" he tries to shoot a web but it goes nowwhere.

The two of you fly onto the golf course, him flipping you over so that he could handle the impact. He hits the grass, groaning, while you lie on top of him in shock. Your heart was pounding out of your chest that you could feel it in your throat.

"Oh my gosh!" You yell right before the sprinklers turn on. "Ugh, seriously" Spiderman mutters as he picks you up bridal style and runs across to the gazebo.

He places you down on the seat before sitting next to you. "You were stalking me?" You whisper.

"Ain't my fault you're pretty" he says. You start to feel warm, even though it was freezing cold outside. Ugh, what if Spiderman's just this 30 year old pedo? "How..old are you?" You ask.

"Why do you want to know?" He says. "You might just be some weird pedophile" you say, glaring. "Wha-what? No! Let's just say I'm still in school"

"So you're a teenager?" You say, eyes lighting up.


"I'm 15" you say while playing with your hair, with no sense of mind whatsoever. Guess that one glass of alcohol did a little bit of damage on you.

"Um..nice! What's your name?" He asks."Y/N" you slurr. The alcohol was kicking in. You shake your head. "Y/N" you say again. You shiver as a cool breeze hits you.

"You cold?" He says, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tight. Steam comes out his suit, heating you up along with the comfort of his arms. Never have you ever felt a feeling like this before.

His chin rests on your head. There was a moment of silence between you as you hugged. You look onto the field while you play with his webshooters. "How does it work" you whisper. "You just press this button and a web comes out" he says, demonstrating. You press the button on his palm and a sticky web goes out. You laugh softly. "It's cute" you say before closing your eyes.

You wake up on your bed. You felt a minor pain in your head. What happened?
And then you remembered. The party, the walking, the car, and cuddling with Spiderman. You sit up and walk into the kitchen. How did he know where i live? You think while taking some Advil. You see a note on the counter and you pick it up.

Dear Y/N,
Hope you don't have a major headache in the morning. Take some Advil and get some rest. We will meet again soon.
Your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman.

"That's all?" You whisper, turning the paper over. You neatly fold it and bring it with you to your room. Little did you know that Spidey was watching you through the window.

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