Late | Deadpool

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Warning: maybe triggering to some readers (mentions of rape)

Y/N/N = Your niece's name

Word count: 800

"Oh god, I'm late!"

You were supposed to be at your spoiled bratty niece's birthday party but you had promised your friend to stay an extra 10 minutes at work and now you were late. And Y/N/N was very annoying when she was mad.

You stood on the sidewalk, scrolling through Insta when two arms wrap around your waist and pull you away. You open your mouth to scream but the person covers your mouth. Four men stood around you in an alleyway, one covering your mouth and holding a gun to your head.

"You know what to do" he says. You fumble to open your bag and pull out your purse. You take out all your money and hand it to him, then shakily unclasp your necklace and take out your earrings.

"And the phone" he says.

"No, p-please sir, just take the money and th-the jewelry I need my phone!" You stutter.

"The phone. Now." He demands. You pull out your phone from your pocket and hand it to him. He laughs as the men equally divide the money between them. He then starts unzipping his pants. "You won't make a sound, okay?" he says before grabbing you all the way down the alleyway.

"No, no, please, please!" You whimper as you struggle with all your might. The men hold you down as the first one uncovers his length and starts to pull down your pants. "Help! HELP ME!" You shout to the sky but the men cover your mouth.

Suddenly there was a loud yelp and thug 3 was sprawled on the floor. The men depart and turn to face a figure dressed in a red and black suit.

"Wow. Isn't that funny, the things you can accidentally walk in on after a sunny Sunday walk in the city" he says before grabbing out a gun and shooting thug 2.

You cover your ears from the loud boom and scramble to your feet in fear of getting trampled or hit.

The masked 'hero' swings a punch at thug 4, sending him stumbling to the wall. He then kicks thug 1 right in his exposed crotch, then grabbing his ears and walking him over to the waste bin.

"This." He says as he slams the man's head on the edge. "Is. For. Displaying. Your. Dick. In. A. Public. Place." He says, hitting the man's head on the bin every word.

He lets go and the man flops down to the floor, lying in his little pool of blood. You cover your mouth, frozen from shock.

Thug 4 charges towards mask man but pulls out a knife and plunges it in his stomach. "No mercy" you hear him whisper.

He starts walking to you and you shake with fear. "No, please, I did nothing wrong" you mumble through sobs. You close your eyes waiting for him to do something to you but nothing happens. You open your eyes to see him holding out his hand, with all your valuables.

"Yeah, you alright?" He says. He gives you your phone and your jewelry and your money. "Th-thank you?" You stammer.

"Eh, you're welcome. These dudes shouldn't be going around sticking their pee-pee's in young girls. If they want some f*ck then there's bloody P*rnHub!" He exclaims, waving his arms around in frustration.

"So-so, um, are you like a superhero? What should I call you?" You ask as he starts walking away. He turns around.

"Just call me Deadpool" he says, then walking out of the alley. You stare down at the dead bodies on the floor.

Hero? What am I thinking? He just commited murder! But these men probably do deserve it anyway.


"Where have you been? You're late! The kids and I have been worrying! I've called you and texted you!" Cries Nicole when you enter the house. "Listen, there was alot of traffic and stuff and I had to wait for my co-worker" you mutter, going down the hall into the brightly decorated living room.

"Wait for what?!" She says.


"Um, I never was" you say, rolling your eyes. Nicole shoots you a glare.

"BIRTHDAY CAKE! NOW!" yells Y/N/N at the top of her lungs.

You walk over to the fridge and grab out the chocolate cake.

"I don't like it! It's yucky! I wanted a rainbow one! Where's the unicorn! WAAAAA-AAAAHH!" Man, this girl was getting on your nerves.

And without thinking, you splat the cake right into the little girl's face.



A/N: rlly bad and yes I'm terrible on ending stories and writing titles

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