Hallucinations | Peter

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Kinda inspired by @booboodaddyEvan 's imagine Friday the 13th | Harrison

Word count: 824

The room seemed to grow wider every second as you stared into the empty atmosphere.

You were hearing noises, people chatting, and loud banging coming from outside your door. You tried to call for Peter but no noise came out your mouth.

Peter! Ned! Help me!

A shadow loomed in the bathroom, edging closer to the door. A dark figure stood in the doorway, looking directly at you.

You tried your hardest to move your legs but you couldn't. You were firmly stuck no matter how many times you pulled and twisted your limbs. It kept getting closer and closer until it was centimeteres away from the side of your bed. You hear heavy breathing against your face.

The door suddenly swings open and Peter stands there. "Y/N? You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm, I'm-" your voice trails off when you realise the shadow's not there any more, and you could move freely now.

"I had a bad dream" you reply, shivering.
"Oh, hey, it's ok. Go and wash your face" he softly demands. Something's not right.

You trudge to the bathroom and start to splash your face with water when you look up in the mirror and see Peter standing there, an evil grin on his face.

You turn around to face him but there was no-one there.

"Wh-what?" You stammer as you look back in the mirror, but he was gone.

After wiping your face you head back into the bedroom, Peter standing besides the door.

"Here, let's go get you some water"he says, though it's like it's being said from far away.

The two of you start making your way down the hall when two familiar voices echo throughout the house.

Two figures stand at the end of the hallway. Peter? Ned?

You start to walk towards them but the hall seems to stretch out and your steps become slowed. You collapse to the floor, the ground sinking you in. You try to make some noise but nothing happens.

You feel like you're floating, the ceiling going blurry, swirling with patterns.

Figures stand around you and shake you. Your eyes flutter open and you're lying on the floor, Ned and Pete hovering over you.

"Y/N! Are you okay? Are you drunk?!" Ned exclaims.

"No, I, I think I'm sick" you mumble.

You softly gasp as Peter picks you up bridal style to the couch in the living room. The cool leather touches your skin, relieving you since you were very sweaty and warm.

"It's okay" says Peter, placing the back of his hand to your forehead. "It's alright, we'll be here for you"

Ned comes over and hands Peter a thermometer. He places it in your mouth and you wait. Peter runs his hands through your hair, instantly calming you, your muscles relaxing, and eyes closing.
The thermometer beeps and he plucks it from your lips. "37? Wow, Y/N, do you need Panadol, or something like that?" His soft voice says.

"Just take me to bed" you softly mumble as he carries you again to his bedroom.

"Me and Ned will sleep in here tonight, won't we?" Peter elbows Ned who then smiles and nods. He places you on his bed, pulling a thin sheet over you. Ned lies down on the floor mattress as Peter hops in beside you. He plays with your hair for a few minutes while quietly humming to you.

His hand slips down the covers to hold your hand. He squeezes it lightly before softly falling asleep with you.

Whenever you suddenly started whispering words and jolt your body in panic he always gripped your hand tighter and whispered in your ear, waking you up and telling you it was going to be alright.

And it was.

Anyone get crazy hallucinations when they're sick? I do, and it's pretty freaky.
I remember once i had one and i saw soldiers running and marching outside my bedroom door and i heard explosions and gunshots and loud banging, and the tap was running and it was really loud, and I was awake but i was seeing things it was really weird and then i woke up my mum beside me (we had to share a bed cos we were at my aunties house) and i told her there were people and she said there was nothing there.

There was also another night where I saw (in my dream) Claire building a Lego Death star and i sat up in bed and started talking about how I needed to help Claire with her Lego and I saw her on the bed with me(she wasn't actually there) (but i was still asleep) and my mum saw then later, the next night, she talked about it at dinner and i almost choked on my food 😂😂😂 xD

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