Science Project | Peter

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"Ok class, as you can tell, there is going to be an upcoming assignment to complete!"

The whole class groans. Written on the whiteboard, it read Science Project-choose one partner and work together to create a presentation about animal and plant cells.

You wanted to curl up in a ball and hibernate. Not only did you hate class presentations, no-one wanted to go with you. You were just that lonely, shy and boring geek that everyone tended to forget. 

"Please choose your partners please!" calls out Mrs Gageler. All the students stood up and walked over to their friends, but of course, you didn't have any real  friends. Glancing around you noticed a boy with brown hair slowly walk up to you. Peter Parker. The smartest kid in the whole class. You envied his intelligence a lot. 

"Uh, uh, hey, Y/N, i sa- I- You're lonely, so um, wanna go with.. me?" he stammers, nervously scratching his neck. 

"Uh yeah sure" you mumbled, shrinking into your hoodie. Why did he pair up with you? Couldn't he just ask Michael, the other smart dude?

"O-Ok, uh, great! I'll get my stuff and come sit down next to you"

He leaves your table, leaving you to exhale deeply. Honestly, he was kinda cute up close. 

You jump as you hear the thud of books on the desk next to you. "O-Oh my god, i am sooo sorry, uh" he quickly gabbles. 

"Hey it's okay" you mutter under your breath as he sits down.

" we get started?" He asks, turning his head to look at you.

And there was no doubt he was cuter up close.

"Oh, uh, yes" you squeak, grabbing your laptop and entering your password.

The rest of the lesson continued with the two of you occasionally sharing notes and researching on laptops.

*bell rings* xD

"Okay class, you might want to work on this after school. This is due in two weeks. Have a nice afternoon!" Mrs Gageler calls as the class departs out of the class.

You hurriedly shoved your books in your bag, afraid of making an embarrassing moment with the Parker boy.

"Ah, hey, Y/N!"

You turn around to see Peter running towards you.


"Oh so, I mean-" he stammers, scratching the back of his neck. "If we could share our numbers so we can contact eachother for the science project?"

You were little taken aback by his request but you were very intrigued with his cute, shy cheery nature.

"Um sure uhuh, here" you giggle quietly, telling him your number as he taps it into his phone.

"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow!" He says, skipping over to his friend.

"Um...b-bye...~❤" you whisper.

Ugh you were crushing on this boy hard.

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