Author's Note

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Hello! I'm sorry if you thought this was another chapter. I can promise you that there will be more chapters soon. However, there was something I wanted to ask you all about because I really value your opinions! Obviously, this particular story is going to have an ending at some point. I already know what that ending is, and I'm really excited to share it with you! Thing is though - I'm having a really bittersweet time writing these final chapters, because while I'm really happy and quite relieved to be able to share all my secrets for the story with you, it also means that this story is slowly coming to an end, and even though it's taken me multiple years to write this story, I genuinely do love writing about these characters and their stories. SO...that leads me to my question for you - if you've enjoyed this story, how would people feel about a collection of stories about Enjolras and Juliette, and the other characters featured in this story? I'd be happy to take suggestions and requests for what situations and scenarios you might want to see these characters in. I just know that I'll be having withdrawal from writing about Enjolras and Juliette (and also from you guys!!!), and so thought about carrying it on beyond this particular story and doing some one shots or short stories, etc, but I wanted to gauge interest and know if that's something you guys would be interested in! Let me know in the comments what you think, and if this is something you'd like to happen!

In the meantime, there will be more chapters to this story, so don't worry, it isn't finishing just yet, but I wanted to get ahead in planning what might happen after this. If you're looking for other things to read, please feel free to check out my other stories on here, if you've liked what you've seen in this one. And as ever, thank you so very much for your votes, and for your extremely kind words in your comments (I'm still going to try and reply to everyone, so please bear with me, but know I do read every single one), and for your support - in all honesty, it really is your support that keeps me writing! If it wasn't for you, I don't think this story would have gotten written, so thank you! It really means the world, and you give me so much confidence in myself when I need it the most. I'm very grateful! If you ever need me, you know where to find me. I'm always just a message away. But please, let me know your thoughts on some one-shots/short stories/scenes based on Enjolras and Juliette in the comments below! Lots of love xxxxp

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