Chapter three - Amber

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I can hear a car coming for a far, my ears pick up the tiniest of noises right now and it's pretty cool sometimes, sometimes, just like now, it's not so cool, i just wish he could give me some more time to clear up my mind before throwing me into the wolfpit.

I turn around, i wasn't thinking that long, there he stands, i guess he picked my smell up or my heartbeat that's like a rabbit's heart while scared.

"Hi..." he comes a bit closer to me, and my heart drops to the ground. I had completely forgotten how handsome he really was. My brain is working over time to just say hi back, but i can't even do that. Im baffled.

"I know you don't want me here....but i...i needed to talk to you...we need to talk about what i did...and how we should move on...or whatever you want me to do...i'll do it." He is begging me to take him back, i'm so scared.

"I'm pissed Darren, i thought you could handle yourself..."

"I know, and trust me i can, but right there and then...i'm not even sure of what went down with me..."

"You say you don't know why you did it, killing three hikers in coldblood?"

"I'm sorry, i really am..."

"pffh." i shrug, looking at his very sad face. There's no tears, just, a not readeble faceexpression at the moment.

"I'm not sure if you want to forgive me or whatever you want to do, i'll do anything to heal clean up the mess.."

"Start by giving those poor humans their life back."

"Amber, i can't turn them, it's way too late for that..."

"Then, come up with some better way to clean it up. I'm not helping, it's all on you."

"I know, i know..."  i can hear the sweat on his forehead dripping. He is so nervous. I'm too. But i won't take him back just yet.

"I know you won't." he suddenly says out loud. He read my mind again.

"Good, start working." I say, walking the short way home again. He follows me to the door.

"Can i..come in?"

"You better get going if you want me back Darr." i say before closing the door on his face. Leaving him like that breaks my heart, but he needs to proove himself now, more then ever.

BOOK 2: The Invisible (AVSLUTAD)Where stories live. Discover now