Chapter five - Amber

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I can hear birds outside my window, i can smell the pancakes from the kitchen, i can hear my heartbeat trying to keep up with my body. I can smell his scent. Him. All night, he's been around, iv'e felt him, not too close but yet not too far away. This is why he's a guard, he's so good at guarding he can't even stop when he needs to. It's the only thing he knows how to do, and right now, he's guarding over me, he knows i don't want him near right now, so he's keeping a distance from me until i come to him, he's patient, very patient. Just like i need him to be right now.

I stretch my body out before getting out of my warm bed and out on my cold floor, pulling on a sweater and leggings, putting my running shoes on.

"Bye, see you in an hour or two!" i shout into the kitchen before i open the door and take my first run in months. It's exhausting, but much needed in a situation where i need time, i need time to think, should i give him up for a mistake, or should i get him a new, and a very last chance to prove me that he is worth the lies, the pain, the tears i have endured under this time? If he is, then i don't know what i'm waiting for really, i could just walk right up to him, kissing him again, hugging his warm chest, looking into those red fierce eyes, feeling that love.

When it's been up to 30 minutes of my run, i take a short break, i can still smell him, i think he's following me, looking after me, still not too close nor too far away. Good. I know that he knows that i know that he's following me. I know he knows. I know he means no harm to me, i just don't want to face him.

I turn back to the house, he is backing off, good. When i stand on my driiveway i can see him between the trees in our backyard. I walk up to him, even if i don't want to, i just kind of need to.

"Hey..." i say with a sad tone on my voice, he looks like a wreck.

"Hey yourself." voice trying to not crack i hear, has he been crying? The skintone around his eyes are a bit more pink then the rest of his face. Or body for that matter.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, i'm good. You?"

"Darr, i don't mean to cut you off like i did i just..." he cuts me off. "You need time." i stare at his face, it hurts me so bad, i really want to love this guy, i truly love him, but i'm still debating over if he's worth it or not.

"Your going back to school?" he asks.

"Tomorrow, yeah...why?"

"See you there." he says, turning his back to me, walking into the forest and disappears among the treetops. I go back inside. Not sure of what just happend.

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