Chapter fifteen - Amber

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It's morning, well, it's night, but for us Vampires and hybrides it's morning since we have a whole different timeline. I can recall that i have never lived like this during my human life, at all. I was normal. Then. At this point i'm not so sure that i am normal due to the fact that i drink blood, eat flesh and i have green shining eyes and fangs poking out when i open my mouth. And i can feel the difference between being a human/vampire mix and only being a vampire. Back when i hadn't turned yet i could eat normal foods and i could go to school and study just like everyone else could, but ever since i turned i have been practicing to fight, meditate and clearing.  And if that's not a big change i don't know what is.

I open my phone up and the first thing i see is a text from...yep, you guessed it, the creepy guy that apperently has a feud with my ex boyfriend.

"You have one more day." i sigh. Why me of all the people he could have picked? I don't have an answer to him so i just put the phone down again, i don't need his advises right now, he's creepy as it is.

I pick my jacket up from the hanger and put it on before closing the room door behind me and leaving for breakfast. The shower is still broken according to the principal. No one has time for a broken shower i guess.

At least i get to the kitchen before they close it,  one of the ladies working there looks at me, then walks up to me with a serious face.

"Young lady, don't you know better then to use your powers this early?" i'm schook. What did she say? Using my powers? On who? No one seems affected.

"Uhm, i'm not using them miss...?"

"You don't even know it yourself, i thought Darren had you under control, huh..." is the last thing she says before walking off again and into the back area of the kitchen. I stare at the cup of coffee i got in my hand. I have no idea of what just happend. I pick my phone up again, scrolling thru my contact list of ppeople to find the only one i'm in need of at the moment. I just got to get help for this, this is insane.

And there he is, walking with his big steps towards me where i'm sitting with coffee in my hands. Just out of thoughts really.

"What's going on? You okay?" He's concearned, that's good i guess.

"Well i'm fine, but one of the workers said i used my powers without even knowing it and i'm confeused about it...." And even Darren is chocked to hear that, using my powers is secret is just a whole new level for the both of us.

"Let me talk to her...which one wa it?" ipoint out her in the back and he is waisting no tim to walk right over to her and ask what she just said to me, i can hear theyr'e talking quietly over me and my abillities. I'm getting more and more used to it since i'm the only one in this school that's a shape shifter with green eyes and unlimitted powersö

When he comes back he shekes his head at me.

"We need to go back up in the mountains pretty soon i asume..this is nothing i can's beyond my own powers."

"Wait, you have powers, what kind of powers? You have never talked about them before."

And that's true. He never has talked about his powers specificly. Only that he is a born vampire with a rough history.

"Well, i can sort of clam people down is a hectic situation, it's one power i rarley use. Anotherone is stregnth, the usual one and one i am more scared of using is my abillity to kill people by mind."

"Wow, killing just by thinking, how are you even controlling that?"

"I have practiced, mostly on animals. Of course..."

"Okay then, my ex iis a serial killer, a mind killer and a monster by so many things..."

"Don't say that..."

"Say what?"

"The killing..."

"What about them?"

"I know your still very upset with my actions Amber, i can sence it very clear. But you don't have to provoke me."

"I'm not provoking you Darrn, i'm helping you to understand that you are a monster."

"So are you."

"I know i am i'm not trying to fight it off though."  he gives me a darker look.

"What is it?"

"Amber, please let this crap go, i'm just so sick of living like i'm hiding from it, okay?"

"But you have to face the fact that you did what you did, even if you don't rember the whole killing part you need to face the fact that you did kill innocent people in that forest, and you have most likley done that for years even if you have blocked it out of your mind."

I get no respons from him this time, he's holding his anger together just for my sake to not get into his killing spree path. I don't mind him looking angey all the damn time, i just need him to clear his mind and get shit together because this is not working anymore. And i feel so selfish saying this but i want him back, like the normal him, not the person who kills people just because he's bored or angry. I need him back.

"So, what aboout that amulet you were going to snatch from me?" i had tottaly forgotten about the part. I hope he won't kill me for ofrgetting this.

"I'm not sure, i mean i don't need that book after all and i kinda don't want to give him something he tells me he needs but he's just going to over use it and for nothing good either way..."  Darren pretends he's amuused by the whole fake acting i'm set up on.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, just that in the beginning you thought you needed the book to learn more about who you are and your family and so on, and now all of a sudden you don't need the book after all, i kinda find that intressting that you just switched fron i need this to i don't need this so fast."

"Well, i just realized that that book might be existing somewhere else in this world, and when i find it, i'll get it."

"It's not have to fight, over a book i mean..."

"yeah, i guess it's kinda stupid don't you think?"

"Indeed, stupid it sounds..."

We say goodnight in the hallway, he dosen't go further into my hallway because i think he still has some feelings for me so he's keeping a distance to keep me clam. Relaxed. It's his work of art. And this night, i fall asleep with a smile on my lips. And i have no intention to get that stupid amulet anymore nor the book with my family's history in it. I have all the time in the world to get it back. No rush.

BOOK 2: The Invisible (AVSLUTAD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang