Chapter ten - Darren

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Therapy time. I make my way down the long hallway, it's making me nervous. I'm almost shaking on the outside. I knock on the therapy room, and a lady opens it, on the door says "Mrs. Neeth's office"

"Hi Darren, welcome!" she shouts so loud, i wonder what she did to feel this great all the time.

"So, you are having some problems i have heard, am i right?"

"Yes, uhm... very intense once..."

"Okay, let's begin with how you feel right now..." she picks a paper and a pen up to start documenting.

"I feel horrible..." i admit, it's more for myself to say this then for her to know what's wrong with me.

"aha, and on a scale from 1 to 10, where would you place yourself?"

"10, perhaps over 10..."

"okay, Darren, tell me something you love."

"The girl...i love the girl..."

"Is she special to you?"




"And you hurt her?"

"Not just her, her whole heart got shuttered in pieces that day,'s my fault..."

"How did you say it?" she kows what i did.

"I didn't...i coulnd't...she saw it in the newspaper and then everything just...crashed..."

"mh, and you want to fix this now don't you?"

"Why would i else go to you for help?"

"I'm not here to help you Darren, i'm only here to advice you."

"Then tell me some advice."

"Well, i would say you could talk to her, straighten out theese things might just help you know."

"I have tried to talk but all she did was leave me a note and slam the door in my face." i put my head in my hands, shrugging while thinking about it all. It's so stupid. Everything is stupid.

"Everything is on me she said...."

"It's sort or true, you did the crime, you have to answer to it."

"Alright, thanks but this is not helping me at all, it's getting worse..."

"It's getting worse before it's getting better Darren, keep fighting it."

And i leave the room without any solved problems at all, but i do feel better inside, my mind feels a bit clearer. I go to the café of the school, no one is there except from Zedd and some students.

I place myself beside Zedd, he's barley looking at me since our last talk was tense.

"You okay?" he finally says, looking a bit concearned.


"okay, what's wrong?"

"I did a crime..." i say, voice almost not holding up the whole meaning.

"What crime?" now he's really upset.

I knot my hands together, hard. Very hard. "I killed innocent people..."

"Was that you?!" one of the students say in schock. I nod. Loking at my hands.

"Bro, how?"

"What "how"?, i just did it, i'm not sure what flew into my mind..."

"You just lost your understanding or...?"

"Sort of....yeah."

"How about Amber then, does she know...?"

"She does..." voice getting quieter. Head spinning.


"She left me, i never said what i did to her but she knew, she could tell it was me somehow and, i fucked our relationship up."

"She broke up?"

"We're on pause." i knot my hands over and over.

"I'm sorry bro, i understand what it's like, but you really fucked things up there..."


"So what, your just waiting for her to give you the final answer?"

"Something like that...we're not talking so much at the"

"Sorry bro, i really am, but i see you tomorrow at the lesson?"

"Uh yeah see you there." Zedd walks away from me where i sit with my coffee. Drinking in silence.

One of the students takes a seat not far from me.. Lokking at me. "Was it really you?"

"I heard their heads got so badly injured they couldn't even idetify them at first." another says. I bite my cheek.

"I heard that there were so many bitemarks on them that they suspected a puma or something bigger." another one comes along with more punches. I take hit after hit after hit today, i can't do it any longer, i need to get out. I put the cup down, stand up and walk back to my room where i lay on my bed for the rest of the night.

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