Chapter fourteen - Darren

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Iv'e been researching about this book for hours straight to get something out of it, all i can fins is how to handle it at the very beginning. Nothing new, i already knew this. But wait, my eyes are catching a line of words in the side corner in the end of the screen.

"A shape shifter could either save the world or destroy it, it's all in their perspective. Don't underestimate it."

Alright then, something new at least. I guess i'll have to keep reading on this after work.

I place my laptop on the desk before a quick shower and putting on some new clothes even faster before closing the wooden door behind me as i prepare to get downstaris for my class.

At the sportshall i expect nothing else when i see Zedd trying to learn some students how to tackle others, i sigh out loud and when he hears that it's my turn to take control over what seemed like a very unplanned moment.

"Alright...." i start off, ii'm not concentrating enough, my head is spinning but i make myself look clam as always.

"We are meditating today, so everyone, go grab a yoga mat, and let's begin!" i place myself in the front to make it clear for them about what they are supposed to do and how to do it.

"Does everyone got a yoga mat?" i shout out before i am ready to begin, but some have a hard time finding the mats. I role my eyes.

"Zedd, give them the extra once in the back..." i say, Zedd calls them out to follow him for a yoga mat, and as they sit down i start showing them how to concentrait and how to almost fly away in their heads.

The clock strikes 12,35 in the morning, class is over.

I help everyone place the yoga mats back afterwards and then well, i have no clue of what to do. I guess i could hunt, i haven't done that in a while now since the incident.

"Hey, don't even think about it!" Zedd shouts out from the back of a door, putting everything back where it should be. I grin.

"Oh, you know what i'm talking about bro, don't." he holds a finger up to my face, i get slightly irritaited by the moves he is making on me.

"I'm not insane Zedd, i can handle it." i'm almost spitting the words out at his face, my teeth are biting together so hard that my jaw hurts.

"Fine, but if your'e in trouble, don't expect me nor Amber to forgive you." is the last he says before taking off and dissapears to somewhere i don't know.  And i'm just standing there, looking into the wall, feeling all the rage pushing me to the limit, the thing is, my rage is uncontrolable. You just can't handle it, no one has been able to during my years alive so... just giving you a hint that things can go so very wrong so very fast with me.

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