Chapter nine - Amber

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I have had a good day so far, i haven't seen him or felt him as much as i thought i would do today. He might have issues to deal with more then i know about.

"Hey Amb, could you do a trick?" Jessicah. God, she is really begging me to kill her. I turn around to face her, and when i do they all take a step back, they know what a shapeshifter is and i bet she knows you shouldn't irritate or mock one.

I place my thoughts on a vase, i the lift it up from the bench and throw it agains the wall behind them, they scream and run away. I bet they will leave me alone for now. Then i keep going to my next lesson, math. Not the funniest lesson of the day but oh well, i got to do this.

"Miss Amber..." our teacher says strict while im sitting there, daydreaming my way out of this again.

"Yeah uh what?" i say, trying to contain myself, trying to focus even if all i want is to either sleep or just dream.

"Could you tell me what this is?" she's poniting at the whiteboard in the front of the room, i'm trying my very best, but i guess my answer was wrong since people in the back are laughing at my answer. And the teacher is judging me quietly. Great day i must say.

After the last lesson i head back to my room, but on my way i get stopped by someone, Zedd, Darrens coworker or something stands in front of me, staring right into my soul.

"Uh, hi Zedd?" i say polite, "Can i  help you?"

He looks at me, trying to uncover something with me, i guess he is a non believer of my shapeshifter friend inside of me just yet.

"Where's the red eyes?" he asks. I shrug.

"I didn't get them, sadly."

"Why not, you either get red or blue, but you've got non of them, how?"

"My parents are like me, different in the way that our eyes aren't red nor blue." i say, "I can explain some other time but would you mind?" I say, looking behind him where my door is. He takes a step to the side, not saying anything more. Just looking wired at me. And i'm happy to be alone again, so glad i can relax for a bit. I take a seat in my bed, i put my phone up and put on some clam music for my meditation, i wish i was so far away i could possible be right now. But this will have to do.

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