Chapter sixteen - Darren

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This book seems to have a lot about the shape shifter. It's intressting to see what damage she actually could be able to do. I read a line out loud.

"Being a shape shifter could be dangerous, being wanted by many, being able to shift can save them from others that want the person for their own sakes." Giving that we have already had some issues, i'm not surprised at all.

After a while reading the o"book" on my computer i  get a text, it's Amber, she's in need of help apperently. I grab my keys and leave my room, and i'm not even more surprised over the exact group of younger girls are standing in my hallway talking quietly, i give them a nod when i pass them by and their thoughts are so loud, so nasty. Very gross. As i make my way to her door, i knock, nothing happens, i then open the door, i can't see her. I step inside, closing and locking the door behind me. And there, on the floor beside the bed she sits, crying her eyes out.

"Amber?" I crouch down next to her beside the bed, laying her head on my cheast to give her some comfort. I have no idea what's going on. But it dosen't mean nothing is going on either.

"You okay?"

"" she sounds destroyed.

"What's going on?"

"I can't fall asleep..."

"Why are you crying then?"

"Because i keepp having the same nightmares over and over again..." she sobs. I give her a hug to clam her down, it works, of course.

"Could you stay here for the night...?" still sobing a bit. I nod my head in a "yes".

And so we fall asleep together on the floor.

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