Chapter thirteen - Amber

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My first class of the day was boring, art. I'm not a good artist but i have managed to do a few things better i must say, like drawing lines of nothing and being able to put it together into something at all, it used to be hard, not it's not after all the drawing i have done. My secone class was biology, boring, people kept looking at me, perhaps wanting me to pull out Rose, i'm not sure. My third and last lesson of the day, clearing. It's very needed, but i don't really need to go to class for it, it's just that i have to be somewhere so i'm not getting kicked out for not attending my classes.

"Amber!" i hear a familiar voice, i turn to spot my old friend, Stacey, stadning there.

"Hi Stace, what's up?"

"I just wanted to check in on you, you haven't talked much to me since your transformation..." she puts weight on the last word, "You okay?".

"Yeah, i'm fine, i'm just so caught up in so many things, sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, you have things to do, do them, take your time, i'll wait." she gives me a smile before walking away. I keep going to my last class.

In the big, dark room with a ceiling that looks like the sky itself. I place myself in the back row, placing my hands in a cross over my chest, closing my eyes, and just dreaming about nothing at all. But the one thing that keeps appear is Darren's face. Hi's perfect face. And i have to stop myself from flying off.  I then try again, picking out a few things that could make things turn the way i wish them to.

In the middle of my clearing i get a phone call, i wonder wh's in desperate need of talking to me in the middle of a class. I pick it up. It's an unknown number. I answer with a low voice.


A slightly disturbing male voice is talking back to me on the other end, "Hello, is this Amber?"

"Uhm, yeah?"

"I need to see you. In fifteen minutes outside of your school gates, copy?"

"I don't know you.."

"You can trust me, i'm not after your powers." i freeze.

"That's right, i know about your shape shifter, now, get out." I panic a bit, i'm not sure if i'm allowed to tell someone just in case anything would go down. I send a text to Darren, telling him to stay on guard just in case, i can always count on him, even if we're not in the right place. Then i take my things and walk outside and to the gates. And outside the gates i can sppot a black limousine parked in front of the gates. I get once again a bad feeling about the whole thing.

I walk up to the car and the window is rolling down, inside is a smell so strong of blood i can feel my throat burning. And a older man's face peeks out. "Hello Amber, nice seeing you. Jump in. We have a lot to talk about."

"Ar we staying here?"

"Wer'e going for a ride, a short one, i promies, i'm the nice creepy dude, my brother, Nicho, is the one to watch out for..." He's smoking a long cigarr, puffing out the greyish smoke, humming for himself, i'm not comfortable with his way of looking at me, liike he knows all my secrets or something.

"So, my name is Sebaztian, and i know your name so you don't have to tell me, but.... your very unique."

"What about them, what are you going to do with me?"

He makes a very unpleasant laugh, i get chills all over my body. He hands me a thick book, it's massive. I start to look it thru. It's all about shape shifters, their powers, moodswings, everything is right there. I hand it back.

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