Chapter twentytwo - Darren

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It's the next morning, night for us of course, and ii have therapy again. I haven't gone to it after everything that's been going on between us two mostly. Ii guess i'm going to have to let it all out today.

I knock on the door and there's another therapeut there, a male, bearded and well dressed. Short broown snagged hair and glasses. Look like the female, just shorter hair and all of that of course.

"Hey, you must be Darren Deighton, right?"

"Uhm, yeah that's me."

"Welcome in, take a seat."i do as he says.

" have you been since the last time you were here?"

"Good, i mean things have happend buut it's okay now and..."

"Things have happend?"

"Yes, uuhm... my girlfriend and i nearly broke up because of the whole killing spre thing, and we are trying our best to get back together, both of us have a lot to deal with so...yeah.."

"What's her name?"


"Amber, i think i have talked a few times with her...long time ago tho..."


"So, how do you feel about the whole thing today, if you just take a look back into the timeline..."

"Well, i feel disgusted about it, i'm ashamed... it's just pure luck that i'm not in jail or worse."

"Indeed, you did a crime, and you should have been prosecuted to jail maximum a year for what you did, but since yoou are so well liked and important i think the principal has other plans for you, what it looks like."


"So, have you and Amber been talking about this whole drama thing?"


"I think you should do that, it's better to talk then to be quiet about a problem, it clearly needs to be solved between you two."

"I guess i need to talk to her then.."

"I think so. And good job today by the way, my coworker said you had a tantrum last time, you didn't this time, great progress!"

"Uuhm, thanks.." and i leave the room. Feeling like he just read my soul, discovered all of my secrets, i feel tossed like trash. Even if  i know that i'm liked and stuff, i still feel like shit. I better talk to Amber about this, i just don't know how to put it out there. I hope i can at least.

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