Chapter twelve - Darren

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I open my eyes, i can barley remember the night, soo blurry buut yet so clear. In one way that was well needed to get to the stage with her, to be able to actually, for oonce, talk about my problems. I know it's genes, my father had pretty similar problems with his thirst, and he wasn't even thirsty, he just had a special need for whatever that gave him, a rush perhaps, my mother never forgave him. She died when i was born, so i have no clue of her thoughts of him today, i bet she's still upset about the whole thing. I would be too, and in that way i can see how Amber is reacting to my issue, trying to make me stop, trying to fix me up. It can't be fixed, but i might be able to hide or to change my rutines.

I get up from my bed, rubbing my eyes off the sleep. God, really need to fix my sleeping habits.

I take my time getting dressed, today is work, which means another fight with Zedd, but this time it's about demonstrate for the students. I'm not ready, i'm so lost in my head right now but i'll give it a shot, of course.

I take my black sweater and a pair of ripped jeans to that before heading down for my class.

I walk the long corridors, i can feel people looking my direction whenever i take another turn. I hate being judged like this, but i can't do shit about this now.

When i open the big doors to my classroom every sinlge pair of eyes are looking in my direction. I try my very hardest to not get caught up in it.

"Good morning..." i say, then raising my voice to the one they recognize.

"Today we are, me and Zedd, going to demonstrate a few tricks for you to then have as a homework until next week." i say, Zedd looks a bit nervous, i am too but oh well, let's do this.

"Alright, stand up!", "Then, pair up, two and two...", "To make this right, the older one of you is going to start, it gives the younger more sence of how to do this, if you haven't done this before so to speak...", Okay, now, watch how me and Zedd does it before trying it yourselves." i say with a strict tone, i stand in front of Zedd, he smiles at me, whispers "Welcome back..." before we begin.

I take my training very seriously, even with the problems i have at the moment, this is one of few things that takes my mind off them and to be able to do that... i just have to say that i am very thankful for that.

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