Chapter eighteen - Darren

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"Good morning sleepy head!" i open my eyes, only to find Zedd standing over me, over my bed, holding two cups of coffee in his hands. He takes one and hands it over to me, blinking like crazy to wake up. What is he doing in here?

"What.." i can't even finish the meaning before he starts pladdering again.

"Oh, and i put your mail on hte kitchen table, if you don't mind." he gives me a bright smile, i wonder what's going on with him, he's usually grumpy about most of the things. But today he seems very, very lightned.

"What's wrong with you...?" i can finally get the words out, i swearl my robe around my half naked body before standing up fully from the bed.

"Nothing man, just woke up feeling fantastic, that's all."

"Uhu..." i murmur to myself mostly, but loud enough so that he can hear it also.

"Is Amber alright?"

"Why are you intrested in Amber?"

"She's my friend, your girl."

"Uhm, yeah, good i guess... i don't know..."

"Have you spoken to her latley?"

"Yeah or, no...  not spoken like a conversation but small talk mostly."

"What did she say?"

"Does it bother you or something?"

"Uh, she's my friend, like i said seconds ago."

"She had a rough night, that's all"

"Rough night?"

"Yeah, sleeping problems..."


"She has thhe same over and over again apperently. I don't know how to fix it or to find someone who can either..i'm torn apart at the moment.."

"So not even the creepy old lady can help her in this?"

"No, not even her.. We spoke on the phone, and she said she could only figure out like, powers and stuff... And what Amber is going thru, is not a power, it's something else."

"Yeah, you might wanna take her to a well known doctor, to give her something to clam her down."

"I'll see what i can do, and thanks for the breakfast by the way.." i say before i leave my room and into the shower. I lock the door, just in case.

I have had trouble sleeping too the last 5 or 7 nights in a row now, and i'm not sure if it's conneced to her, or if it's just some weird coincidence.

I shave, put some gel in my hair, brush my teeth and then i head for my first class of the day.

The same girl group is standing further down in the hallway when i lock the door before walking off, i nod at them as a greeting. I can hear their thoughts.

"OMG!", "How hot can he even get?!", "Could you please take your shirt off..." Bluh. I think i vomited in my mouth and swallowed it again. I just ignore them all. Not intrested in those kind of people.

At the gym i can sppot Zedd further back in the room, some girl comes up to my side as i put my heavy bag down in one of the corners.

"Hey, Mr. Deighton..." she says modestly. I turn to face her.


"Last night i was practicing on this..." she shows me the move before explaining it further. "And i just couldn't get it right. I mean i did evrything right...."

I take the picture from her, studying it closley before spotting the issue.

"Here, look at that, the little touch you do there at the end, is not a part of the move, you can cut that out there, and one more thing, this..." i make a move. "Is not in it either, so if you cut theese two things out of the actual move, you'll make it, i'm sure." She nods gratefullt to me and walks away to the rest of the class now sitting in a circle. I take my seat beside Zedd. He nods happily towards me before heading off.

"Alright, you had your hoomework until today, so Kaylah...could you show us what your move was?"

Kayla stands up, rubbing her hands together like the nervousness is taking over. I can spot it all over her face. She does the move very well, she's one of few that has actually done the homework.

"Next up is .... Lilly-Rose", "And then we have Drew...", "Yeeng", "Scarlett, your up next!" And the list just keeps going, i think out of our 50 students, only 10% did the homework this time and i'm slightly disappointed about it but what can i do, i don't want to force them into this. So as it seems there's just no good way of practice.

"Alright, the next lesson is in three days, you'll have plenty of time to practice, and i'm speaking to you who did not do the homework today, you will do the move next time, and if not, you won't get a grade in this class, understood?" People are nodding their heads in sync. I hope they pull this off, or we are in trouble.

After the lesson i make my way to the café. I take a cup of coffee and a seat at one of the tables further down. Suddenly a shadow is coming up on me, i look up, and there she is, smiling, happy, angelic. Amber.

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