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Lin: Okay so I have a question. What do you guys think of your children getting into relationships with eachother?

Canada: I don't really care.

America: NO that is INCEST and it is NOT OKAY.

Canada: I mean I do have a few ships

America: NO

Lin: Wait, Al, you're not okay with incest? Some of your favorite ships are incest.


Lin: FrUk? If France is Maddie's (🇨🇦: my name is Matthew!) brother and England is your brother, and you and Matthew are brothers, then France and England are brothers.

America: ...

America: OKAY BUT–

Lin: GerIta, if Germany really is HRE

America: BUT–

Lin: SuFin and DenNor, since all the nordics are related

America: ...

Lin: Spamano

America: Are you gonna ruin all my ships for me?

Lin: Yes! Now PruCan.

Canada: Wait...

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