30-Day Challenge: Grace

291 10 2

1. Favorite Character:
Can I take the North American twins as a unit? No? Fine... CANADA! I CHOOSE YOU!

2. Least Favorite Character:
Not gonna lie, canon America drives me crazy. But I personally like Poland the least.

3. Character You'd Date:
Uh... well... I don't really do this thing you call 'date'. But, if I had to choose, probably Japan or Canada

4. Character You'd Go Shopping With:
Sweden because Ikea is the best store in the world

5. Character You'd Want As Your Child:
Leichtenstein is an adorable small child.

6. Character Who'd Be Your Rival:
Cuba. He seems like a bit of a jerk.

7. Character You Have Most In Common With:
I would say Canada (cuz I'm easily forgotten), but I'm kinda like Finland too.

8. Character You Most Look Like:
Ummmm... sorta like Hungary, Seychelles, and Taiwan merged?

9. Character You'd Show Your Parents:
Latvia. My family's Latvian, so he'd probably fit in. (And trust me, ain't no party like a Latvian party)

10. Character You Wouldn't Show Your Parents:
I doubt my parents would react well to a certain Prussian... or Frenchman

11. Character Who'd Be Your BFF:
Pretty sure Spain is friends with literally everyone. I'd probably be good friends with Feliciano too.

12. Character With Your Favorite Voice:
I don't really pay attention to voices...? I guess England's is the most recognisable.

13. Character You'd Go Camping With:
I actually would want to go with America and Russia because honestly I love space and stars and literally the three of us would just set up telescopes and look at stars all night no joke.

14. Character You'd Be Roomies With:
Feliciano. Never a dull moment.

15. Character You'd Want Cooking For You:
Germany because kuchen and spätzle and schnitzel. 

16. -omitted-

17. OTP
Ok, so, I have trouble with this. I don't necessarily ship people (my ace self can't understand the concept of romance), but I still have ships. The problem is that they change... a lot. So have a list of most common ships I'm generally cool with:
Amecan (this one specifically brotherly platonic, not romantic)
And FrUK

18. Character and You Wouldn't Mind Having As A Parent:
Spain cuz he would be so chill

19: Character You'd Karaoke With:
I love Russia's character songs the best.

20. Character and You Wouldn't Mind Having As A Butler/Maid:
Isn't Japan a neat freak? Didn't he insist on cleaning Germany's house once?

21. Character Who'd Be Part Of Your Party In An RPG:
I just wanna pull an all nighter with the Awesome Trio playing an mmorpg like WoW or something.

22. Another OTP:
Oh wow, now this comes up. Fine. Final ship is:

23. Favorite Character Part 2 (opposite gender of Part 1):

24. Character With Your Favorite Outfit:
I actually wear a military jacket a lot (it's my grandpa's), and it looks very similar to England's jacket, so yeah. But I love Russia's scarf too.

25. Character You'd Want As A Band Mate:
England and his awesome guitar skills. Or Prussia, cuz we could do a flute duet.

26. Character You'd Like To Have As Your Boss:
I mean, I have no job so I wouldn't know what type of person a good boss is. I guess Spain?

27. Character You Don't Want To Run Into In A Dark Alley:
Depends on the dark alley... jk probably would like to stay away from Romano in a dark alley.

28. Character You'd Want To Be A Dog:
I mean, America already acts like a puppy...

29. Character You'd Want To Be A Cat:
I don't know why, but Russia seems like he'd make a good cat.

30. Character You'd Cosplay As:
I really wanna cosplay Russia, but I would do Japan too.

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