30-Day Challenge: Lin

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1. Favorite Character:
Hungary hands down. I aspire to be like her someday (though I never will be cuz I'm too shy and socially awkward).

2. Least Favorite Character:
Don't hate me, but probably Austria. Something about his voice just annoys me. But personality wise, I can honestly say I don't have a least favorite.

3. Character You'd Date:
Also being ace, I can't really say I have an opinion. However, I am that one person that if someone I knew pretty well asked me out, I would say yes. Just don't expect me to be romantic in any way.

4. Character You'd Go Shopping With:
France, Poland, or pretty much anyone with an excess of fashion skills. I have none of that.

5. Character You'd Want As Your Child:
Oh boy, uh... I guess Russia. Sometimes I just wanna give him a big hug.

6. Character Who'd Be Your Rival:
Probably England, because he gets annoyed to easily. And I seem to annoy people easily. So that's not very good for him, but great for me.

7. Character You Have Most In Common With:
Canada. You have no idea how many tests and assignments I could have gotten out of taking simply because my teachers forgot I existed

8. Character You Most Look Look Like:
Hungary, kinda mixed with Belarus. Like, I have Hungary's hair, a mix of Hungary and Belarus's eyes, and everything else is Belarus.

9. Character You'd Show Your Parents:
Probably Canada. I feel like he'd be the least scarring. Or maybe Lichtenstein.

10. Character You Wouldn't Show Your Parents:
America, solely because of my dad. My dad listens to so many anti-establishment songs that it'd send Alfred into another depression.

11. Character Who'd Be Your BFF:
Probably Canada, cuz he'd be the only one to realize that I exist.

12. Character With Your Favorite Voice:
Okay. I have this really weird thing about voices (as you might have already guessed from #2), and honestly, I like Romano's the best. It's deep, but not like, overwhelmingly deep, and kinda fluid. I know, I'm weird, but I grew up as a singer, so I just naturally kinda analyze other people's voices.

13. Character You'd Go Camping With:
I think Switzerland would be a good choice for this, though I'd have to be careful about not getting shot.

14. Character You'd Be Roomies With:
Lichtenstein, because she may be the sanest country in Hetalia.

15. Character You'd Want Cooking For You:
I like pancakes and donuts.

16. -omitted-

17. OTP
FrUK solely to annoy them.

18. Character and You Wouldn't Mind Having As A Parent:
See, I'd say China or England because they've actually cannonly raised children for an extended amount of time, but you can see how that turned out for them, so... Canada maybe? He seems like he'd be a good parent.

19: Character You'd Karaoke With:
I've never actually heard any of the dubbed character's singing voices (here we go with the voices again), but I think either America or France would sound good. France's voice is very fluid and he seems to have a larger range. Meanwhile America's voice is a little harsher, but kinda invented musicals and has a lot of bands, so it's be a bit weird if he couldn't sing at least decently well.

20. Character and You Wouldn't Mind Having As A Butler/Maid:
Kiku or Gilbert, because apparently they both like cleaning.

21. Character Who'd Be Part Of Your Party In An RPG:
Uh, I have to admit that I rarely play RPGs, and really don't know how RPG parties work. So whoever's good at that stuff and can explain it to me I'll pick.

22. Another OTP:
I guess PruCan. I dunno. Their cannon personalities clash a little bit, but I do think they'd be a cute couple.

23. Favorite Character Part 2 (opposite gender of Part 1):
Ah shoot. Uhhh... I'm choosing Canada for this one. I'd choose America, seeing as I was born and raised in it, but I tend to be more Canadian than American. I even will root for Canada over America in sports (specifically hockey, because that's the only interesting sport to me. But with everything else, Canada wins and I'm happy 😊)

24. Character With Your Favorite Outfit:
As I said earlier, I am not good with fashion, but I do really like Nyo!France and Nyo!Prussia's outfits.

25. Character You'd Want As A Band Mate:
America or England, because a lot of my favorite bands come from them. Also maybe Germany, as I am starting to get into some German bands as well.

26. Character You'd Like To Have As Your Boss:
Spain or Canada, because I feel like they both would be very easygoing. And patient. Patience is extremely necessary to deal with me and my idiocy.

27. Character You Don't Want To Run Into In A Dark Alley:

28. Character You'd Want To Be A Dog:
Let's face it, Alfred is the human puppy of the world.

29. Character You'd Want To Be A Cat:
I'll say Greece cuz he already wants to be a cat. One requirement though, he has to be snugly and fluffy.

30. Character You'd Cosplay As:
Hungary, cuz it'd be easy. I'm lazy.

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