That Saying

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LP Michigan: No, you can't use that saying!

Ohio: Oh yeah, why not?

UP Michigan: Because it's not yours!

Nebraska: Actually, it isn't any of yours. It's mine.

Florida: Oh no you don't, that saying is mine.

Texas: Ding dong, y'all are wrong. Everyone know's it's mine!

SoCal: Hate to burst your bubble, but it's actually mine.

Maine: Actually, I use it quite often, therefore it's mine.

America: Guys, maybe it's just an American thing?

Canada: No, you guys stole it from us.

Ontario: But I used it first.

Quebec: NON!

British Columbia: Oh come on, we all know it's my saying.

England: No, guys, it's a North America thing.

North America: *fighting each other*

France: What are they arguing about?

England: The saying, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes".

France: They're arguing over the weather?

England: We raised violent children.

France: Oh non, mon ami, mon petit Matthieu was perfect before you happened.

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