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Arthur: *outraged* WHO BROUGHT LEMON CAKE!?

Alfred: Dude what's wrong with lemon cake?

Arthur: It looks like white cake, but when you eat it, it's like eww lemons!

Francis: There's nothing wrong with lemon cake!

Arthur: It's just as bad as red velvet!

Matthew: Excuse you red velvet is the best!

Alfred: Dude, what cake do you like?

Arthur: White cake.

Francis: What about cheesecake.

Arthur: Gross.

Matthew: Carrot cake!

Arthur: Who puts vegetables in a cake!?

Alfred: At least tell me you like chocolate cake!

Arthur: Chocolate cake is disgusting.

Francis: But German chocolate cake is amazing.

Arthur: Lies!

Matthew: How!?

Alfred: I have an idea! Let's play Russian roulette, but with cake! They're all frosted the same, but they're all different kinds. And Iggy has to find the white cake without dying by lemons!

Arthur: Absolutely not!

Francis: I'll go bake the cakes!

Arthur: nO!

Matthew: Al and I can frost them!

Arthur: I am leaving this house!


Found out one of my teachers hates all cakes except white cakes. We wasted half an hour arguing about cake.

Hetalia Crack with Grace and LinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora