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Canada: Isn't life just great?

Manitoba: *complaining about being too hot and being too cold*

Newfoundland: *depressed about money problems*

Labrador: *being sat on by Newfoundland*

Prince Edward Island: *farming potatoes so everyone will leave her alone*

Alberta: *pestering British Columbia about being gay*

British Columbia: *thinking of ways to kill Alberta*

Nova Scotia: *fiddling*

New Brunswick: *face-timing Maine nonstop*

Northwest Territories: *is on fire*

Quebec: I hate you, I hate you, I hate you...

Quebec: *also making up new swear words*

Ottawa: *trying to erase all the swear words from his paperwork*

Nunavut: *probably plotting everyone's murder*

Ontario: *trying to calm everyone down using donuts*

Canada: This is fine.

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