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Security Guard: This is a highly guarded, top secret meeting. Please show your IDs.

Alfred: *sets down yearbook* *flips to bookmarked page* Here ya go, sir.

Security Guard: Sir, this isn't an ID.

Alfred: *sigh* Yeah, but I couldn't find my driver's license or student ID last night. This is my yearbook from three years ago. Look. *points to picture of him*

Security Guard: ...Then how did you get here?

Alfred: Uh, I drove, duh. I also drove Mattie and Iggy.

Security Guard:

Security Guard: Eh, good enough. Next!

Other Nations: *dying of laughter* How!?


So, I went to take an AP test and one of my classmates couldn't find any IDs. So he brought his yearbook.

All three proctors accepted it as identification!

Also, yes, he did drive himself and two friends to the test, and to lunch.

Lesson of the story: Always know where your ID is and don't drive without a license. I don't think the cops would accept a yearbook.

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