Ballet (part 100!)

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France: Ballet is a beautiful thing

Russia: It lets you do things you never knew you could do

France: For instance, stand on your toes

Russia: Or do a whole dance without ever touching the floor

France: Or bulk out your ankle muscles

Russia: Or have a toenail swell up

France: Or have a toenail fall off

Russia: Or tear off the entire bottom of your foot by accident

Lin: *sobbing in corner*


Pretty gruesome for part 100, eh?

But hey! Part 100! I can hardly believe we got this far! Literally 100 different random things that came to Grace's and my brains. How cool is that!

Also, how cool are you, reading all 100 chapters of this! Cooler than me, that's for sure. Thanks so much to all of you out there who somehow made it this far. You are awesome!

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