Chapter 14

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I turn up the music and push on the gas pedal, in a hurry to get to the airport. It isn't far from my house, so it only took a few minutes to get there. "There she is!" I hear Josh from a few cars away. I see him point at me and I get out and walk over to where he's standing with a two people I'm almost certain I haven't seen before. "Hi, my names Jena and this is Sam." The girl who I now know as Jena says. "Oh, nice to meet you Sam and Jena. I'm Jennifer." I smile at them. "We're going to be staying in the same hotel in Atlanta and Hawaii so I'm sure we'll be great friends!" She says. "Yeah, that sounds great. When's our flight?" I ask, looking at my wrist even thought I'm not wearing a watch. "Right now, lets go!" She grabs Sam's hand and walks with him towards the plane quickly. Josh and I follow them almost running to catch up.

After we take our seats on the plane Josh turns to me. "So, Francis is our new director." He points to a man sitting in a seat a few rows down. "Oh, so where did Sam and Jena go?" I look around for them. "They went to go get something to eat, you wanna go with them?" He asks. "Yeah, let's go." I get up.

We sit down at the table across from them in the small restaurant the plane has. Since its mostly empty we order right away. "So Jena, you're going to be Johanna right?" She looks like Johanna. "Yeah, I bet you all can't wait to see me get undressed right." She laughs. "I almost feel bad for Sam, he's not gonna get to see it." I laugh with her, the boys laugh too. "What do you all think of Francis so far?" I lean over the table a bit when Josh kicks my foot making me jump. "He seems nice so far." Sam says, Jena just nods along with him.

After dinner I try to call nick, but can't get any service. I lean back in my seat trying to take a nap but the flight attendant starts talking "we're now landing in Atlanta, please get your stuff readied and be safe." She says, in her chirpy voice. "Josh were here." I tap his shoulder waking him up. "What?" He sits up, his hair is sticking out in different places which makes me giggle. "Where here sleepy head." I pat his hair down. "Oh." Is all he says in return.

We walk off the plane and wait for a taxi to get here. I try to call nick again, but he doesn't answer. I hang up blowing a big gust of air out of my mouth. "What?" Josh asks looking at me, Sam and Jena turn around but don't say anything. "Nothing." I run my fingers through my hair. "Seriously what was it?" He asks, still looking at me with his eyes full of concern. "I tried to call nick but he wouldn't answer." I put my phone back into my bag and tap my fingers nervously on my side, I really hope I don't cry in front of all these people, that would be embarrassing. "Hey! Taxi!" Jena waves her hand at a taxi that's coming toward us. It pulls up in front of us and we get it. Jena in the front and then me, Josh and Sam in the back. "We're to?" The taxi driver asks, he has a snake tattoo across his jawline. "That hotel up the street." Jena says, pointing to it.

When we arrive at the hotel I take the elevator and go to my room immediately. I walk in and set my stuff down and lay down on the bed hoping sleep will come before the tears, I pick up my phone and try to call nick one more time but he of course doesn't answer.

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