Chapter 16

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I hear my phone ring as I step out of the trailer, "hey..?" I answer, I didn't recognize the number. "Jen, it's nick." I hear a shower running in the background. "Nick.. Where are you? Why haven't you answered any of my calls?" I ask, confused. Why didn't he use his phone to call me. "I'm in a hotel...." He says being cut off by the sound of a girl yelling. "Did you tell her yet?" She asks. "Not yet, babe I'm telling her right now." He assures her. "Nick what the hell is going on?" I scream, starting to feel my cheeks burning. "C,mon I don't like to be kept waiting." The girl says in a seductive voice making me want to vomit. "Jen, it's over." Then there's a click. I lean against my car starting to feel tears dripping down my face. I try calling back but no one answers. "Jen! I.." Josh walks out of the trailer towards my car. He stops seeing that I'm crying. "What's wrong?" He runs over to me. I ignore him getting into my car and locking the doors. I drive off, trying to wipe the tears off my face.

I sit on the couch and call my mom, she answers on the first ring. "Hey honey what's wrong? Josh called me and said you were crying." She sounds worried. "Josh called you?" I repeat surprised. "Yeah he called about an hour ago and said you were crying but he didn't know what happened. He sounded really worried about you." Josh was worried about me? "What happened?" She asks. "Mom, nick broke up with me." I wish Nick was here, he's the one I want to comfort me. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry!" She sounds a little less worried now. "I think I'm just gonna go to bed. I love you." I say, starting to cry again. "Ok honey, I love you too." She replies making me cry even more.

I grab the paper from the coffee table and dial room services number, "Room service! How can I help you?" The woman asks in her loud squeaky voice. "I'd like two ice cream sundaes and you can just charge me when I check out." My voice cracks. "Okay... I'll have it ready soon." She says, hanging up. A few minutes after someone arrives at my door. "Come in." I say, wiping my eyes off. It's just the room service guy, "Here's your ice cream ma'am." He hands it to me and I set it down on the coffee table in front of me. "Thanks." He nods and walks out.

I set my ice cream down hearing a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I ask, even though I know it's Josh. "It's Josh, can I come in?" He asks through the door. "It's open." I pick my bowl of ice cream back up. The door creaks open and Josh walks in locking it behind him. "What's going on?" He turns towards me. "Uh what happened?" He sits down next to me on the couch. "Nick broke up with me." I explain. "I'm so sorry." He says, putting his arm around me. "I'm not good enough for him. That's why he was with someone else tonight." I set my empty bowl on the table. "Why does it matter what he thinks? I think you're perfect. You're beautiful, smart, funny and you're so nice." He starts to stroke my hair. "Really?" I ask starting to smile a little. "Of course. I love you so much." He says, kissing the top of my head. "I love you too." I grab my other ice cream and curl up next to him listening to his heart beat.

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