chapter 30

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*2 weeks later*

I sit up in bed, run to the bathroom, and throw up into the sink. After I rinse out my mouth I walk into the kitchen and get a bowl of cereal. "Good morning" Josh walks in and sits on the couch with me. "Good morning" I mumble in between bites of cereal. "Sam texted me and said he wanted us to come have lunch with him and Laura." He walks into the kitchen and gets a glass of water. "That sounds nice. Did he say when?" I ask, turning towards him. "Yeah one is Chinese okay?" He sets his phone down on the counter. "Yeah I'm gonna go get in the shower, do you need anything in the bathroom?" I ask, putting my cereal bowl in the sink. "No I'm gonna go get dressed too." He walks down the hall to the bedroom.


I get dressed in black skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt with a leather jacket over it and wash my face in the kitchen sink. Then I knock on the bathroom door. The water shuts off and I wait for a response. "come in." I walk in and steam flows out of the shower. I wipe the mirror off and fix my hair, occasionally glancing at Jen standing in the shower wrapped in a towel. I walk out and start to put on my shoes, when I hear a faint knock on the door. I slip the other shoe on quickly and open the door. "Izzy what are you doing here?" I walk out and leave the door cracked open. "I just missed you." She takes a drink out of the half empty vodka bottle in her hand. "Are you okay?" I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder to keep her from falling. She shakes her head and falls into my arms. I wrap my arms around her small body and feel her tears wetting my cheek. "Izzy what happened?" I ask, worried that she might've been hurt, she's shaking so much. Without saying anything she lifts her face up to mine and kisses me making the hand holding the vodka bottle tighten around me. I hear the door open and she releases me. She looks over at Jen stunned and then backs away from me. "Oh my god Josh i'm so sorry I didn't know she was here I wasn't thinking oh my god." Her words slur together. Then without another word she walks down the stairs and then I hear the door close.


I slam the door and start to walk back into the bedroom when Josh stops me. "Jen, wait I'm sorry." He says, making me turn around. "Really you're sorry? What were you doing hanging out with someone like that anyway? She's a fucking dirty slut josh! What the hell were you doing with her?" I yell starting to feel tears in my eyes. "We weren't doing anything nothing ever happened between us. I didn't know she was going to kiss me she was really drunk and didn't know what she was doing and she's not a slut she's my best friend!" I can feel my anger fading away and being replaced with hurt. "What's  in your hand?" He reaches for my hand. "It's nothing. I need to go fix my makeup real quick before we leave." I wipe the tears off my face. "Wait." he says, grabbing my wrist and pulling it closer to him. "Oh Jen that's..." He pauses, looking at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. "Can you please go start the car were gonna be late." I pull my arm away from him and walk into the bathroom.

We sit down across from Sam and laura, not touching. "Hey Sam, hey laura how are you?" I ask. "Good. We found out that the baby's gonna be a boy." Laura tells me, smiling. She's wearing a dark blue short sleeved dress similar to mine, except mines black. "That's great. I'm happy for you two." I can feel Josh staring at me. I didn't talk to him the entire car ride. "Yeah I'm so happy to get to spend more time with Sam." She looks up at him as he puts his arm around her. "Is everything okay with you two?" Sam looks at me then to Josh. "Yeah, everything's fine we just had a rough morning." I say, more to myself than Sam. "I'll be right back." Laura gets up and starts to walk towards the bathroom. I try to picture myself with a baby bump like her but I can't. "If the waiter comes, I want the same thing as you." I tell Josh before getting up and walking after laura. I look in the mirror and watch Laura washing her hands while I think about what I'm going to say. "Um hey laura." I say, awkwardly. "Yeah?" She turns to look at me. "After you got pregnant did things with Sam still go okay?" I look around the room with my eyes. "I'm not sure I know what you mean." She looks confused. "It's nothing I don't even know what I mean." I walk out with her following shortly after me. I see Sam and Josh leaning towards each other seeming to be having a serious conversation then when I sit down they stop. Laura sits down after me and looks at the drink sitting in front of her. "What is it?" She looks at Sam. I take a drink of mine and I notice its Dr.Pepper. "tea." He takes a drink of his drink. "Is it sweetened?" she asks, taking a drink. "Yeah sorry." he says, smiling at her. "It's okay." She smiles back at him. I start to wonder why she would want unsweetened, but I get distracted by Josh's hand on the table. I look up at him, the waiter brings us our food and I start eating.

A/N: I stayed up late to write this chapter I hope you guys like it please leave comments!

Sweet Love | Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora