Chapter 28

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I take a bite of my pizza and glance over at the clock. It's already almost seven. "I'm gonna go out for a run I'll be back later." Jen kisses my head and walks towards the door with pizza in one hand. "I'll see you when you get back." I get up and get a bottle of water. I'm bored already. I walk into the hall and stop at the bedroom picking up the clothes on the floor. I hear my phone ringing in the living room and run to get it. "Hey Josh. It's Izzy." She says, as soon as I pick up. "Hey how's it going?" I ask, surprised she called. "Great. I wanted to know if you could hang out later tonight? I never see you anymore!" She suggests. "Yeah that sounds great I'm sorry I haven't called or anything I've been busy." I look around the room for my bottle of water. "I'm sure you have been real busy fucking Jens brains out." She laughs I start laughing too not able to stop myself. "So when do you want to come over?" I look at the clock. "Maybe around eight thirty?" She sounds unsure. "Yeah that sounds great." I agree. "I'll text you the address." I hang up.

I pace back and forth waiting for Jen to get back I don't think she'll like Izzy being here. My phone buzzes and I glance down, it's a text from Jen.

Jennifer: I'm going shopping with Jena I'll be home around ten.

Josh: okay have fun

Jennifer: I miss you already

Josh: Ik me too

Jennifer: I love you xx

Josh: love you too x

I open the door for izzy and her face is priceless. "Dude this place is awesome!" She says, looking around. "You want me to show you around?" I ask. "Yeah, that sounds great" Her words slur a bit at the end. I think she's drunk. I walk with her down the hall and look at her clothes. She's wearing a black leather jacket, a crop top and leather pants. "This is the bathroom." I gesture towards the small bathroom. She walks in and looks in the mirror before continuing down the hall with me. "And here's the bedroom." I point to the bed. "So this is where all the action happens huh?" She flops onto the bed. "Not really." I say, thinking about the shower. "Do you guys have any thing to drink?" She asks, springing up and moving towards me. "Yeah." We walk down the hall. "Am I allowed to smoke in here or do you want me to go outside?" She takes the Dr.Pepper from me. "Outside I'll come with you." I open the door for her. "You want one?" She holds out the box. "Nah, I'm good thanks." I look down at my shoes. "Watch this." She lights the cigarette, puts it in her mouth, and blows it out making fish faces so it comes out in rings. It goes right past me. "That's my ride I got to go. I'll call you soon Josh." She walks down the steps towards the guy on a motorcycle. He's huge like twice my size. "Nice bike." I walk back into the house.

Jen walks in minutes later holding bags in one hand. "Hey how was shopping?" I ask, putting my feet up on the table. "It was fun." She sits down next to me with our bodies touching and leans in to kiss me. "You smell like smoke." She notes, pulling away. "Yeah sorry I- uh had a friend over." I take my shirt off to get rid of the smell. "Oh okay have I met them?" She leans towards me again. "No we don't really hang out that often." I mumble, nervously. "When can I meet him?" She asks, smiling before kissing my chest. "We can talk about this later why don't you keep doing what your doing." I say, hoping to take the attention away from that subject. "Mhm." She continues, moving up to my jaw.

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