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I was in the back rolling silverware when I heard my Aunt Holly scream over my music.

I snuck to the door and saw her sobbing and emptying the cash register to a guy with what looked like a gun pointed at her through his jacket pocket.

He was so focused on her that he didn't see me. I snuck behind him and kicked him in the back making his hand come out his pocket.

As he started to get up I punched him three times and when he slumped over I bashed his head into the counter. He slid down to the floor and I started stomping his head in.

A customer pulled me off and I was shaking. My aunt came and tried to calm me down but I couldn't.

The Ferndale police showed up and arrested me and called a medic for the robber.

Once they were done getting the stories about five hours later they came to my cell and told me I would have to go to a court hearing.

Since we lived in the small town of Ferndale California they decided to have the hearing in an hour.

There is only one Juvenile Court judge in Ferndale and he tried my last hearing and sent me to a military correctional camp for six months.

My lawyer came and I told him everything that happened in the restaurant. He took notes and said he'd meet me at the courthouse.

When it was time the officer came and shackled me and walked me to the courthouse.

When we got there my lawyer looked nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"The guy died two minutes after arriving to the hospital. So they'll probably try you for manslaughter." He said

"It wasn't my intentions to kill him. Shit he was trying to rob my Aunt at gun point."  I said

"They didn't find a weapon on him. They say he was probably faking it, if they choose to believe you're telling the truth. With your history of violence already he isn't going to be that open." He said

I sighed and the bailiff nodded for us to stand for the judge.

When the judge sat down he glanced at me and shook his head.

"Rockell Marie Seeder, why the hell are you here again? I thought I told you the next time you come here for being a deviant I wasn't  going to be as nice. " he said

I shifted in my shackles and looked down.

"Sit down." He said

My lawyer and I sat down as he reviewed the papers again.

"It says here you beat an unarmed man to death with your bare hands at your aunt's restaurant. Having to be physchially removed. Is that so?" He said

"Yes your honor." I said

"They're trying to have you convicted on involuntary  manslaughter, assault and battery,aggravated assault and probation violation. " he said

"How is trying to protect her family a violation of her probation your honor?" My lawyer asked

"Because she was put on strict rules to not disturb the peace or cause trouble." He said

"So I was just supposed to let him rob us?" I asked

"Ms. Seeder you're not a cop." He said

I sat back in my chair and cried.

"Since you filed as an independent I have to take into consideration that you are considered mature enough in the laws eyes. I'm sentencing you to two years in prison." He said

"What no you can't do that." I said

"It's such a shame you made it three months before your probation was up. I'm sorry Rockell." He said

"No you're not." I said with tears streaming down my face angrily.

"Talk to your guardians before you leave." He said

I hugged my Aunt and Uncle.

"What are you going to do? How are we going to pay the attorneys fees?" My aunt said crying.

"I'll be fine." I said

"I'm not charging you guys either." My lawyer said.

I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"We'll be waiting when you get out Rockell." My aunt said.

They walked me to a holding cell inside the courthouse and the officer said the transport team would be here in a few minutes to get me.

Two guys walked in with all black on and unshackled me. They walked me to a black suburban truck without saying a word.

We got to this old baby blue building twenty minutes later and one got out the car while the other pulled me with him out the other side.

We walked inside the building and there was a pile of clothes like what they have on a table.

"Go shower, put that on, come back and eat so we can go. When you're done leave those clothes in there." One of them said.

I grabbed the clothes and when I walked in the bathroom there were towels, soap, shampoo and conditioner in there for me.

I showered and washed my hair. The clothes fit me perfectly.

I walked out the bathroom and they both stared at me.

"Neither one of you would happen to have a diffuser?  No? Ok." I said

"EAT." The guy said

He seemed to be the only one that talked.

After I was done I got back in the truck and they put zip ties on my ankles and wrists.

"Is this the normal transportation to prison?" I asked

The mute dude smirked as neither one of them said anything.

After about an hour and a half of driving we got to this off white building but it looked newer than the last one.

When we walked inside there was a big computer screen on the wall with a buff man sitting at a desk looking at some papers.

"Caspian." One of the guys said.

The guy on the screen looked up and looked at me.

"Rockell, pleased to see you. My name is Caspian Hall. I am a core leader/ director of the M.o.M.T.Y. program. Do you know what that is?" He said

"No." I said

"Militia of misguided troubling youth. You've been chosen. It's a government funded program where we train a select few individuals like yourself that would be useful to us to help other people. You'll get more details as we go along. But for your sake it's like prison but with more freedom and you'll learn some discipline. " I said

"I already have discipline. " I said

" I did see in your file where you were sent to a correctional military program. But this one is quite different. You'll understand that at a later time. But since you'll arrive early we're going to put you in holding until tomorrow morning. So the next time I speak with you it will be formal. Goodbye." He said and the screen went black.

The guys walked me back to the car but this time they blindfolded me and stabbed me in the arm. Next thing I knew I was sleep.

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