Twenty-nine (Tommie)

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I woke up late and alone forgetting that Pocha and Fallon had class. I stretched and put my boots on heading to the bathroom.

When I came out the bathroom I was walking to the infirmary when I heard Nina yelling at someone.

I started running to her but stopped abruptly when I heard my name.

"You know good and damn fucking well you should've told Rockell about Tommie and Tweety. At first I wasn't comfortable with the idea but I trusted you. Now I see you're just out of your fucking mind." She said

Why does Tommie seem so familiar?

"The letter." I said to myself.

I peeked out the door and saw that Nina and whoever she was yelling at was gone and I ran to my mother's weapon room.

I yanked the letter drawer open and pulled out all the notes looking for the one with the name on it.

I ripped it open and pulled it out.

Dear Tommie,

I know that you probably have so many questions. But I can only answer the ones that I think you'd have racing through that curly haired head of yours.

I never left because of you. I tried to take you with me but Caspian beat me like I imagined he beat you when I left. It was the hardest thing in my life I've ever had to do.

You were my world but once I found out I was pregnant I had a harder choice to make. I knew that I had to leave because bringing another child into this world to suffer as you do and I had would've been wrong.

Caspian came to his senses when you enlisted. He said you beat that boy so bad that he had to separate the breeds from chosens. I'd never been more proud.

I had a little girl. I imagine she was everything you'd want in a little sister. She was just like you but more thoughtful growing up. Wards had a way of making you forget to think.

Caspian reached out to me when your uncle died. That's the only way I made it was because he took care of us. But I'm very sick now and by the time you read this I'll probably be dead.

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