Twenty Two (Safe)

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When we got to the camp they greeted us and took us to the shipment that came earlier.

"What's the plan again?" Echo asked

"We ask about the compound and scope. Then we come back and eat and leave out as soon as dusk hits." I said

We emptied the boxes and got settled as I headed to talk to the mercenary leader.

Right before I got to the office K.O. ran after me and grabbed my arm.

"Yea?" I said staring at her.

"Are you ok?" She asked

I looked at her confused and nodded my head.

"Thanks for helping me jump by the way." I said kissing her cheek and walked away.

I talked with the mercenary leader for a good hour and walked out with a map.

Apparently they had been gathering information about that group and compound for a long time.

I called Echo and K.O. while I was laying out the map and paperwork the leader gave me.

After we went over that for an hour or so we decided to go out and walk the area.

We went to talk to the team and got geared up for the walk through.

I lead with Bux by my side.

We found our entrance and exit points and went back to the camp to eat.

After we ate we went over the map again and talked to some of the people there about the weapons they had at the compound.

We got all of our weapons on us while Randy and K.O. decided to take point by grabbing the grenades.

Pretty soon it was getting dark and we decided to head out.

We got to the truck and piled in the back.

Echo and Juniper drove and waited a few yards away until we needed them.

Bux stood beside me as we trailed behind everybody making sure we all made it.

Once we got there Randy and K.O. put the silencers on their guns and got us in.

After we got through the guards on the main floor we  took a walkie talkie from one of them and listened to see where they had Nova and her team.

We heard them say the prisoners were downstairs and ran towards the stairs.

We put on the masks around our necks as Randy threw in six cans of gas.

We found Nova and her team and we each tied two up by their chests and drug them out.

Once we got back to the trucks Echo and Juniper pulled them up and we drove out.

I didn't get to see Nova but I heard them say she looked pretty bad.

K.O. was checking in with base and told Yarrow and Omoni that we got Nova and her team and were heading back to the camp.

Bux looked at me and smiled but when I didn't return it he frowned.

"You succeeded on your first mission and you get to take the credit. You know why? Because you gotta nurse them for three days. None of your team got hurt. It was smooth. Don't stress it." He said and patted my leg

I gave him a broken smile and looked away before the tear fell from my eye.

When we got the camp they had stretchers and carried Nova's team in.

Once they had them in the infirmary they brought in the MediCrate Omoni had sent with the weapons and food.

Echo and Randy volunteered to help me and opened the crates.

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