Twenty One (Job)

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I took a deep breath walking in with K.O. and saw Ryker sitting in one of the chairs in front of Caspian's desk. I sat down next to him and K.O. stood behind us at attention.

The longer we sat the harder Ryker shook his leg and I could tell he was pissed. But I just didn't know what about.

"Omoni called you and explained I'm assuming." Caspian said looking at a stack of papers on his desk.

I looked around confused and he glared up at me for a second making me realize he was talking to me.

"Oh um... I don't know. A person just called me and told me to come to your office for something about Nova."I said

"Omoni you were supposed to fill in." Caspian said to this guy that looked like Echo but bigger.

"She was half sleep so I couldn't brief her." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Look can you cut the bullshit and tell us why the fuck we're here." Ryker said

Caspian gave Ryker a side eye and cleared his throat.

"Omoni was given orders to call you both here. He is from Nova's transport division. As you both know she's been sent on a mission." Caspian said

We both nodded our heads and he tilted his agreeably.

"Well she needs an extra hand and I've been put at the cross roads of deciding which one of you goes. Seeing that both of you are at odds with Nova you'd understand how that's a tough decision." He said

I pursed my lips and clenched my jaw.

"All be it putting Katana on a mission this soon is risky it's not as risky as jeopardizing not only Nova's life but her team's." He said looking at Ryker.

"Wait you think that I would fuck Nova over on a rescue?" Ryker said getting more agitated by the minute.

"Ryker you abuse your given authority in most cases. So yes." Caspian said

"So you'll trust this bitch that doesn't know shit about anything because you think I'm pussy?" He said

"Ryker that is enough. You will not question my decisions." Caspian said

"No no tell me. Say it like a damn man you think I'd sneak that faggot." He said through gritted teeth.

"Ryker." I said

"You do not speak out of place to me." Caspian said over me with bass in his voice.

Ryker looked down and chewed his lip.

"Since neither Katana or any member of her team has been out yet she will pick two of your members to take with her." Caspian said

Ryker scoffed and looked at me licking his lip.

"And the joke?" Caspian said to him.

"I'm not letting her take a soul from my team." He said to Caspian.

"Ryker I think you've forgotten just who the fuck I am. What I say goes and that is final. Clear?" Caspian said scrunching his face.

Ryker flexed his nose but never answered.

"ARE WE CLEAR?!" Caspian said slamming his hands on the desk.

Ryker grunted and pulled a gun out and pointed it at my head. Right as he did it I had my gun pointed at his face with one hand while the other was on K.O.'s arm to stop her as she reached for hers.

"Ryker just go." I said to him nudging his gun with mine.

He lowered his gun and walked towards me.

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