Two (First Day)

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When I woke up the dude that stabbed me in the arm was standing by the door.

"What was the point of drugging me?" I asked and rubbed my arm.

"First of all it was the other arm. Second it was just liquid melatonin to make you go to sleep." He said

I stuck my tongue out and held my hands up motioning at the zip ties. He got a knife off his hip and cut them off my wrists and ankles.

"Where am I?" I asked

"You'll find out later." He said

He grabbed me by my arm and walked me down the hallway. All I saw was concrete and steel.

"Hey Nova here's your first Select. "He said and pushed me into this big muscular mass and walked away laughing.

It turned around and it was a she.

"Aw it's so cute. "She said

"Don't call me cute and I'm obviously a girl." I said

"Whatever. My name's Nova. Go wait on the wall for the others." She said

"Others? First of all what the hell is a selective?" I asked

"Yes others and I'll explain that later. "She said

"What the fuck is up with this later bullshit. Every fucking question I ask the answer is fucking later tell me where the fuck I am. " I said

She pinned me against the wall by putting a leg between mine and choking  me with one hand with the other by my head.

"Let's get this shit straight. I don't owe you a fucking explanation. If I said I'll tell you later I'll fucking tell you later. If you ever mouth off at me again it won't be a pretty outcome for you." She said

"Aint shit bout me pretty but my face so go for it." I said staring in her eyes.

She let me go and walked away.

I rubbed my neck and waited for the "others".

A group of people around my age walked in and stood on the wall next to me.

"Do you know anything?" This girl asked me and I shook my head no.

Nova walked back in with a clear clipboard looking thing.

"My name is Nova. I'm The Select Guider. I'll be in charge of training you for the next three weeks. You are now what's called a Selective.
It means you weren't born into this lifestyle and you were recommended or selected for this. When you hear that you answer. Anything I say, you do. No questions. I'll explain everything as we go along. Now follow me." She said and started walking down a hallway.

She showed us the bathroom, infirmary, gym, roof and the main pit where we eat. She took us to get bags with supplies we'd need for everyday stuff and finally took us to our bunks.

"To explain how this month will go. You will be physchially trained to build strength and stamina. Ladies on "Moon week" you can report to the infirmary to be excused if necessary or take longer showers. This is where you'll be sleeping for the next few weeks. Pick a bed and wait here until I come get you." She said and walked out.

"Why do the girls get time off? "Some guy asked.

"Maybe because we bleed massive amounts of blood and go into a mini labor once month. Just a wild guess." I said

He glared at me and turned away.

"You told him." This girl said from under me.

She stood up and put her hand out for me to shake.

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