Sixteen (Core)

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We walked down a hallway to an all glass room with a big beautiful wood and steel table inside. Before I walked in Caspian put his arm out in front of me and looked down.

"No weapons." He said and took his guns and knives off of him.

I did the same and walked inside with him

"Head of the table please." He said and pulled the chair out for me.

I sat down awkwardly and looked around me. Everyone had on suits with there hair pulled back looking formal and I had on a tight wife beater with piercings in my face.

Once everyone was in the room and settled the glass around us frosted white. I stared at it with my mouth open as wide as my eyes and Caspian tapped me on the shoulder bringing me back to attention.

"Armeera would you introduce everyone. But I myself will have to be excused because I have to go back for the rest of the choosing ceremony." Caspian said

This tall woman nodded her head as he left.

"My name is Armeera. I am the Core leader of The ZettaBytes division. Around you are the other members of Core along with Caspian. "She said motioning.

"We won't bother you with names but here I am the Core leader of The Scopers. This is here is the leader of The Dosers and Caspian of The Wards." This short little fat man said.

"M.o.M.T.Y is a government initiated utopia militia. What that means is we are self funded throughout the years but we partner with government agencies like the CIA." Armeera said

"Core keeps this place intact,connected and running. We share information and keep tabs with each division." The guy said.

"For instance during your training The Zettas put together your technology. The boards and the fear factor machines. Where as The Dosers put together your medical intakes. Such as the adrenaline pills, melatonin shots and paralysis bullets. The Scopers are a later learned division and wards provided protection and guards." She said

"Why am I here?" I asked

"Well there are two answers to "here". This organization pulls together youth criminals and trains them in aspects in which they are already familiar. Zettas would be your hackers and inventors. Scopers would be your stalkers. Dosers your drug makers and Wards your fighters." She said

"But as to your presence in this room, you have been chosen to be a shadow leader. That means you will now be considered second in command to Caspian. One day you will sit on this board as a known voice but for now you'll sit in the background. Caspian will explain that." The guy said.

I nodded my head and everyone just looked at me and kept smiling.

"Report to the eating pit." She said and I got up and walked outside.

I was getting my weapons when I realized that Caspian took my gun.

I walked to his office and he looked up and nodded for me to come in.

He reached behind his back and turned the gun handle towards me and I did the same.

"Sit." He said as he put the gun on the desk and wrote on some papers.

I tucked the gun in my pants and sat down.

"Do you know why I chose you to shadow?" He asked looking up at me.

"No." I said

"I chose you because you have morals and stand strong in what you believe. Yet at the same time you aren't closed minded. I've been watching you since you were nine years old." He said

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