Twenty (Birthday)

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"WAKE UP BITCH IT'S YO MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY. " Echo said bursting in my room.

I rolled over and looked at him and wrapped myself back up in the covers.

He walked over to me and yanked me off the bed.

"I said It's a bad Bitch birthday." He said twerking on my head and humming.

"If you don't get the fuck off of me." I said pushing his ass.

He got up laughing and picked something up off the floor looking at me in shock.

"Oh so you got some birthday sex from K.O.....mhm. Yea I heard the tea. Then Nova came over here at early as fuck in the morning. Having two sessions in one night is bad for the kitty." He said

"K.O. didn't hit." I said snatching the wrapper out his hands and going to the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet and smiled staring at the wrapper thinking about last night.

I had a flashback of when Nova slammed me on it and I frowned.

"We didn't use a condom." I whispered to myself.

I threw the wrapper in the trash and brushed my teeth. When I walked to the kitchen he was fixing me breakfast.

"So tell me all the details." He said

"Where's K.O.?" I asked looking in my living room.

"I think she left early. But I wanna know what happened lady." He said

"I'm tired of yo trifling ass being in my business ho." I said laughing.

He fixed my plate and slammed it down in front of me.

"Don't get yo ass beat. I said details ho." He said

I rolled my eyes and started from her almost fight with K.O. to her fucking me to sleep.

"There was only one problem tho. Otherwise it would've been amazing." I said

He raised his eyebrow at me and bit his toast.

"We never used a condom." I said looking down.

He choked on the toast and quickly grabbed his orange juice.

"So the.....child I was hoping it wasn't true." He said shaking his head and sighed.

"Hoping what wasn't? " I asked

"Well as you know I got eyes all around. One of my various sources said they saw Nova leaving this girls house all happy and shit. Now "this girl" is one if Nova's old hoes. They said she had that fresh fuck face. Literally glowing." He said

I took a deep breath and stared off into space.

"So much for loving me." I mumbled under my breath and ate the last of my breakfast.

After I got dressed Echo and I walked to the gym together to work on some new formations for training later.

"So what are we going to do today? " He asked excited.

"Running formations and drills." I said confused.

"Bitch I mean for your birthday you dumbass ho." He said loud and irritated.

"Oh I was thinking about getting a tattoo." I said

He stopped me in my tracks and held me back by my arms and pretended to wipe away fake tears.

"Oh suck a meaty dick." I said laughing.

"My cupcake got filling last night." He said turning around and  switching away.

Wards(lesbian)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz