Twelve (Sample)

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The next day Nova said that we should try to keep the late night thing to a minimum and make our time together low-key.

I really didn't understand but at the same time my focus isn't supposed to be on her anyway so I agreed.

The next week came and they announced Routine changes again. This shit was getting really annoying.

We sparred before breakfast, hit targets before lunch and met in the gym after.

"Alright so I'm going to explain how this works. In our little society there is no such thing as fear. If we say jump off a building you better do a fucking backflip. So for this last week of training you will go through what we like to call The Fear Factor. We will give you a pill that has small doses of liquid adrenaline and corticotropin. Basically it's going to rush fear into your system awakening your biggest fears. We'll connect you to this machine that lets us see what you see and hear and depending on how you handle the situation and how quickly, will determine the placements available to you. Clear?" Ryker said

We all nodded our heads.

"When you hear your name come with me." Nova said to the group.

When my name finally got called Nova walked me to this room and it had a table in it like the ones at the doctors office.

"Sit." She said

"How are you doing all of us?" I asked

"I'm not. It's four people doing the same thing I'm about to do." She said smiling and raising her eyebrows.

"Which is what exactly?" I asked laughing.

"Here's the run down. You'll take this pill and it'll do the rest. I basically have to just watch you and make sure you don't have a seizure or pee on yourself. Along with take notes about how you handle the "situations" in there and how long you take. "She said smiling.

I sat on the edge of the table and she gave me the pill and a cup of water.

"Don't chew it or hold it in your mouth. Swallow it as quickly as possible and lie down with your arms and legs in the rests." She said placing leads on my temples and chest.

I put some water in my mouth and dropped the pill in and swallowed it.

I layed down and the arm and leg rests shut closed holding me to the table. I jumped up and Nova pushed me back down making me be calm.

"It's just to make sure you don't fall off the table or hurt yourself. I got you I promise." She said

I closed my eyes and it became really dark.

"Ok now you are going into your subconscious mind. Just relax and let everything happen." She said but her voice echoed.

Just then the darkness started to change and I was sitting in my old living room from when I was a kid.

"You killed us." I heard my mother say.

I snapped my eyes open and tried to turn around but couldn't.

"Do not look at us. You're a disgrace." I heard my father say.

"You've angered us my child." My mother said.

"Rockell I'm disappointed in you. You've failed my mission and you failed our dream. You are a shame to this family." He said

"Daddy I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault." I said crying.


I shook my head and felt my body tremble.

"Did you cry at my funeral?" My mom asked calmly.

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