Seventeen (Leader)

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When I woke up my bags were in my new living room along with Nova sitting on top of them.

I rolled my eyes and turned to head back to my room and she grabbed my arm.

I froze and looked at her. She looked me up and down licking her lips. After all I did only have on underwear and a bra. She looked at the ceiling and sighed. Before I could speak she cut me off.

"Listen I'm not leaving until you talk to me." She said

"Can I at least put some clothes on?" I said

"I've seen you with less but sure." She said

I snatched my arm back from her rolling my eyes and got some sweats and a beater.

"No one's stopping you from talking." I said

"I'm sorry for what I said and I'm especially sorry for hitting you. I didn't mean anything I said I swear." She said

"I didn't mean to hit you either besides I've had harder licks clearly.  Plus I spit on you so I kinda deserved it. It just kinda hit hard about the rape thing." I said

She froze and started frowning. She gasped and I saw tears start forming in her eyes.

"What? What's wrong?"I said going to her.

"I didn't mean it. It all makes sense. I'm so sorry. I'm such a asshole. Fuck. I'm sorry." She said holding me back from her.

"Nova what are you talking about?" I asked

"Your fear.  It wasn't about me it's about what happened. It didn't make sense to me then but the little girl that was you. The first time it..... I'm so sorry." She said pulling me into her arms and crying.

"Nova it's fine." I said leading her towards the couch.

When she sat down she pulled me on top of her and held me. I could feel her body shuttering with every breath she took.

I held her head and kissed her temple rubbing small circles into her skin.

"Nova I'm not angry. It doesn't matter. Look at me." I said trying to hold her head up.

"You were afraid I'd do the same thing not of me. Not that I would but they it would happen. I would never." She said

I wiped her tears and looked her in the eyes.

"I know that you would never hurt me intentionally. I know that you feel bad. Shit I do too. But I know that it wasn't your fault. It was a mistake on both our parts. And as for my fear...... I know you wouldn't just like I didn't shoot my parents." I said

She placed her hands on my wrists and kissed the inside of my hand.

"I love you." She said

"Nova you don't know me enough to love me." I said

"There's nothing that you have done or could ever do to make me feel otherwise." She said

I licked my lips and looked at my watch.

"I gotta go." I said

I got off of her and went to go get my boots. When I went back she was gone.

It was too late for breakfast so I headed straight to the gym.

When I got there Echo was stretching out with everybody.

"Attention." I said and everybody looked at me.

Echo dapped me as he got up and stood beside me.

"I'm not gonna run this like Ryker and Nova. As long as you cool with me I'm cool with you. Ian gone bash your head in and torture you but if I say run you say how far. Clear?" I said

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