Seven (Problems)

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I woke up in the middle of the night with my throat feeling dry. But I rememebered that Nina said it was a side effect of the medicine.

I got up to get some water and right before I  could make it to the door a hand went over my mouth and I was being drug down the hallway.

I was in too much pain to fight so I just saved my energy for what was to come.

"Tristan she's not moving where do you want her?" They asked

"Against that steel and on the floor." He said

I didn't understand until I was slammed into a steel beam and body slammed onto the ground.

I was in so much pain I couldn't even make any noise.

He grabbed me by my hair and brought my ear to his mouth.

"Didn't I tell you I was going to get you back." He said laughing and threw my head into the ground.

"Your balls still hurt?" I asked him laughing.

He kicked me in the stomach and somebody else kicked me in the back.

"You'd be sexy as fuck if you weren't so cocky. " He said as he licked my cheek.

I pushed him off and he grabbed my wrists and bit my neck hard.

I screamed and hit him in the head.

"Keep that mouth open for me." He said laughing.

"Come anywhere near me and I'll bite it off instead of just shocking it." I said

"Use the lips she can't bite with." One of them said laughing.

One of them went to pull off my pants and I kicked him in the face hard.

Tristan choked me and pinned me to the floor kissing me.

I bit his lip and he punched me in the face rebusting my lip holding his.

"You're one psychotic bitch. You know that?" He said

"What if we tie her hands to the rail she won't be able to fight us then." One of them said.

It's five of them and one of me I couldn't do shit.

They picked me up and started dragging me towards the rail and I started fighting them again.

"Stop it Katana. You'll enjoy it." Tristan said laughing.

He cut off my shirt with a knife he stole and when I jumped he sliced my side open.

They got me to the rail and I started fighting harder and screaming.

Tristan punched me but it didn't work. I kept screaming and he choked me until I couldn't make noise anymore while another one of them pulled off my pants.

"No." I said crying.

"I'm going to get you one way or another." He said through clenched teeth.

"Stop." I said gasping.

"Guess you'll just have to be sleep." He said and kicked me in the face.

My ears started ringing and my vision was cloudy. But I didn't feel anything else touch me after that. I heard muffled yelling and Tristan dropped in front of me.

Just then big warm soft hands slid under me and I grimaced from them touching my old and new bruises.

I looked up and saw Nova leaning over me.

"I'm gonna get you some help." She said and picked me up in her arms.

"Nova?" I said and passed out.

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