Chapter 7: LOVE?

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*******The Next Morning*******(P.s it's Saturday)

Austin goes over to Ally's house. Ally just woke up and is going to answer the door and opened it and let Austin in.

Austin:" Wow i just realized I'm still in my Pj's!"

Ally:" You know i just notice that too."

Austin:" That can explain why some old people were staring at me. And probably fact that they made me so nervous that I pasted some gas the way here!"

Ally:" Oh my!" She backs away from him a lot!

Austin:" Anyways, so whats going on with you and Dez?"

Ally:" Actually nothing because we were never dating I had to make it seem real since he wanted me to make someone jealous aka his crush as a favor."

Austin:" Oh ok. Well lets make PANCAKES!

Ally:" Only if you can get the pan!"

Austin looks around then spots it:"Y ou have it!" He tries to reach it, but she keeps moving it away from his hand. They keep doing that until one last time he tries reaching it behind her back that he accidentally kisses her. But this time ally kisses back and they kiss for five seconds then quickly turn around and then face each other again to say sorry then try making pancakes with out making eye contact, but they fail and they keep blushing when their eyes keep meeting up! They finish the pancakes! Ally  goes to the basement to grab something!

Ally:" Austin help! I'm bleeding really bad on my forehead!"

Austin comes down and see her trying to stop the blood and covering it up then he grabs her and says:" Ally what happened?"

Ally loosing a lot of blood:" Well i was....i was......." Ally findings it hard to stay with him. She starts breathing heavier. Hardy can think about anything, but him and about her dying! She starts shivering since the blood is being drained out of her. She lets one tear out since she hardly has any blood to operate.

Austin crying:" Ally please don't leave me like this or now." Austin feeling his tear get heavier and when his tear fall they land on All giving her a little bit more warmness, but not enough. Austin calls 911. They take Ally away and Austin siting close by in the car holding hands with her. Ally barely breathing. Her eyes are getting more drifter. She feels drowsy, but the people are saying to stay away. She mover her head slightly and sees Austin and smiles. Austin smiles back worryingly, but not enough to get her worried or scared.

********A few minutes later Ally is at the hospital***********

Austin in the waiting room. The doctor comes out.

Doctor:" She has broken her skull and loss to much blood that she can't gain back or get. There's nothing we can do or you."

Austin crying:" Wwww...hhhh...aaaaattt she's gone? Can I least see her to say goodbye?"

Doctor:" The damage is pretty bad I don't think you'd want to see her."

Austin leaves sad and goes home to his room and lays his face down and lets tears come down. He feels like he being drain of all his love, happiness, and life. He sits there for awhile and thinks of what he could of done to rewind time. He sits there and starts growing depression, coldness, and darkness. He has no light what so ever. He can't get Ally's sweet face out of his mind and the way she sang. He tried fighting the coldness, depression, and darkness by thinking of Ally, but he failed and cried some more. His desk was like if some spilled a gallon of water on it, but in this case it was all his tears. His parents tried to comfort him by coming in. But he just pushed them away and yelled and screamed at them. He felt lonely even though he had Dez and Trish. He felt like he was in a dark non ending room with no happiness, cheerfulness, or love. It usually was cheerful, happy, and had tons of love, but this time it wasn't he felt like the whole room was a cage. He had loops of Ally and him stuck in his mind. He got an idea.

Austin whispers to himself:" Time to end my life! Wait I'll just CUT MYSELF UNTIL I BLEED HARD!"  He takes to more time to cry.


SO what do you think!? Hope you like it, but it kinda sad Sorry! PEACE OUT PEOPLE!

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