Chapter I

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M I A   A N D R E W S


I don't like people.

I don't like the way they stare.

I don't like the way they point.

I don't like the way they judge.

And I don't like the fact that as I stand here, clearly having no clue where to go or what to do, no one comes to help me and no one tries to talk to me.

They just whisper.

'Who is the new girl?' They'd ask each other but never come to me – the aforementioned new girl – for an answer.

Walking into the large building, I run a jittery hand through my thick black hair and can't help but notice the chaos that surrounds me, causing a familiar feeling of anxiousness to crawl up my spine and slowly close my airway.

I stop and lean against a wall, focusing on trying to slow my breathing.

In, out, back in, and out once more.

I was fine.

I open my eyes and continue my clueless path down the bustling hallways, trying my best to block out all of the loud voices.

It had been around 5 minutes when I finally made it to a door with a sign that read 'office'.

I walk inside and my senses are instantly graced with the soft scent of warm caramel, an admittedly odd fragrance to hang in the air of a front office.

I tap on the front desk when I noticed the lady didn't look up at me. She was a fair-skinned woman on the slightly chubby side with dull green eyes and a big, friendly smile that helped to ease my shot nerves a little.

I'd had a silent hope that this was how everyone greeted each other here, but judging from how the students in the parking lot acted, I surmised that this wasn't the case and she was merely doing her job.

The woman, who's name tag sitting on the desk reads Gretchen, looks up at me, "how may I help you, sweetheart?"

Her tone of voice is one that is genuinely friendly and soft, as if she could tell I had been a little anxious.

Somehow that made me feel even better.


I'm broken from my inner thoughts by her soft voice once more.

I don't respond and pull out my phone to open the cheap text-to-speech app I downloaded.

"I am new and would like my schedule please," the monotone voice is heard above the low buzz from the fan behind the desk. I'd tried to at least make my question sound polite to make up for the dull sounding voice.

She furrows her thin eyebrows and pauses for a second, then continues, "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Mia Andrews," the annoying stale voice is heard once more.

She smiles at me from her seat once more.

"Beautiful name," The staccato clicking of the keyboard sounds in the room as the woman types something on her computer.

Her eyes scan the screen before they widen a bit and I have a feeling I already know the reason.

"Oh, oh," she's quiet now, and her eyes lose the politeness to make way for pity.

Love Me Wordlessly | Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now