✒ Chapter 8 ✒

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Song: Macklemore - Good old days ft. Kesha



I have some really great news:

I AM AT 918 VIEWS!!!

Thank you guys so much for all of you who have read, voted, followed or commented. It really is fun to write for people and actually know that they like my stuff.

Phew. Now that that's out of the way.

I decided to do a beginning-of-the-summer update just for you guys.

Now here are are a couple notes you should know about this chapter.

If anything is in another language it'll have the translation for it in parentheses.

Also, *** means someone is having a dream.

~~~ Chapter Begins ~~~

AS SOON AS I GOT IN THE DOOR, I CLIMBED TO MY ROOM, DROPPED MY BAG, AND LIE DOWN ON MY BED. Actually, I more so face planted my bed but tomato-tomato, right?

My dad still isn't home. I think this is the longest he has ever been away from the house and I couldn't be more grateful.

With a smile on my face from remembering all the good things that happened to me this week, I blissfully drift off to dreamland.

And dreamland, for once in my dreadful life, took me to a great place.


"Izzy?" I called in a tired voice.

She had been in another one of her rebellious fazes where she would only speak to me.

"Is that you Mi-mi?" My twin croaked from her position in the hospital bed.

'How long hasn't she used her voice.'

"Si, soy yo bubba." I sighed. I had just got done using the vending machine when a nurse, my favorite of Izzy's nurses, came and asked me to talk some sense into my older sister because she wouldn't talk or take a needle she needed. (Yeah, it's me bubba.)

"Gracias a Dios que estás aquí. ¿Sabes lo que intentaron hacer conmigo?" She asked exasperatedly. (Thank God you're here. Do you know what they tried to do to me?)

"Intentaron meter una aguja por tanto tiempo'" She stretched her arms to their full length, "En mi brazo." She finished, dripping her hands with a shudder. ("They tried to stick a needle this long, Into my arm."

If there's one thing anyone should know about Issy Andrews, it is that she hates needles and two inches are two feet in her book.

I couldn't help but let my lips tip up.

"Izzy, sabes que exageraste demasiado, probablemente ni siquiera era tan grande " I chuckle, passing her a cup of water for her throat. She took it with a mumbled 'thanks' and guzzled it down.(Izzy, you know you over exaggerate everything, it probably wasn't even that big.)

"¡Te lo juro! ¡Fue gigantesco!" Sometimes, I honestly felt like the older sister.(I swear to you! It was gigantic!)

"Izzy, ¿recuerdas la historia de la oruga terriblemente enferma?"
(Izzy, do you remember the story of the terribly ill caterpillar?)

Izzy nodded childishly. "Mhm."

" La oruga no obtendría sus tiros para que pudiera florecer en una bonita mariposa." (The butterfly wouldn't take his medicine or get his shots so he got even more sick.)

I nod. "Gee, eso seguro suena como alguien que conozco." I joke when Izzy blushes. (Gee, that sure does sound like someone I know.)

"Iz, listen to me. You won't get better if you don't let yourself." I said in English, suddenly serious. "You need to get the shots so the doctors can make sure you're OK. So that I know you are OK."

We sat there in silence for a while, us both deep in thought, when the hospital door opened.

"Izzy, are you finally ready to get your shots?" Asked Nurse Gwen. She nodded rapidly.

"I don't want to end up like that caterpillar." She muttered and the nurse looked at her then me in confusion.

I just shrugged.

The doctor gave her her shots and with a thankful smile towards me, left the room.


"Yeah bubba?"


I look to her in alarm when her voice gets deeper and gruffer.

"Mia, wake up." Her voice now sounds a lot like my father.


I shoot up when the blankets I am wrapped up in are suddenly ripped off of me.

"Get up" My father grumbles.

I get out of bed obediently, obviously without a word.

"Go get me some alcohol."

What I said, or signed, next, I knew I would regret.

"Why can't you go father?"

All of a sudden I fly across the room from the impact of the punch my dad threw at my cheek.

"Did I ask you to question me?" He was angry, on the edge of seething.

I frantically shake my head. "No papa."

"Now go get my beer. And make it fast."

"But the shops aren't open yet "

"Well then go find someone else to entertain. Or to entertain you because who would want to talk to you?" He asks rhetorically and I have to admit, it cut deep.

"Yes father." I signed in rejection. I had come to the realization that my dad won't love me again.

Not after my mom.

Not now.

Not ever again.

~~~ Chapter Ends ~~~

So yeah, that was a half chapter lol.

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