✒ Chapter 19 ✒

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Song: Tauren Wells - God's not done with you

A/N: Hey guys, I figured that since it's the first day of school for e and maybe some of you, that i would post a new update! You know, to signify a new start.

~~~ Chapter Begins ~~~

I was crying.

It's nothing new.

It's all I have been doing these past couple of weeks.

My father still hasn't let me leave the room and my body was starting to lose weight. I am used to the feeling though, he starves me all the time.

Suddenly the door to my room unlocks.

A drunken father walks in.

My father.

"Look at you." He taunts. "You look like a skeleton."

Then he slaps me.

"You deserve this." Punch.

"If you hadn't been there than I wouldn't have lost my wife." Kick, Punch.

"I wish you were dead. You worthless," Punch.

"Little." Kick.

"Mistake." He knees me in the stomach.

I don't say anything. I don't make a single sound. Tears are pouring down my face and yet I can't make any noise.

The door slams shut and I lay in a fetal position.

Once I realize what my life has cone to, the desperation I feel, I push my greasy hair back as I finally do the one thing I haven't done since I had been in here: I Pray.

"Dear God,

What have I done to deserve this?

If you are out there please help me. I am struggling to hold on right now and I need you to lay your hand on me." Tears start making a puddle on the floor.

"Please." I finished and fall asleep in a puddle of tears, blood, and loneliness.


"Mia!" Calls a familiar female voice.

I recognize it immediately.

"Maya?" I ask.

I gasp. I can talk!

There's a tap on my shoulder from behind.

I whirl around and come face to face with my big sister.

The tears come immediately.

"Maya!" I yell.

"Mia!" She yells back.

I step back and take a long look at my big sister and notice she has grown to be gorgeous.

Her hair is the same jet black as mine that is flowing down and a crown of flowers sits on top of it.

Her hazel eyes are sparkling with tears and her cheeks are flushed, probably from crying.

The white summer dress she is currently wearing is swaying with the wind.

"How?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"How what?" She asks.

"How are you back. I thought you were..."

"That's not important right now. You won't remember this but I have a message for you." She starts.

"You are not alone, Mia. I am always going to be with you every step of the way and I wanted to tell you that it will all be over soon. The pain, the abuse, the sadness, it will end." She finishes.

Tears are falling down my eyes as I listen to my angel sister tell me that this will all be over

"When?" I meekly ask.

"When will it be over?"

"Soon. I have to go but there is something that I need you to remember."


"God's not done with you." And then she faded away.


"Maya! Come back! Don't leave me! I need you!"


I wake up with a start.

What happened?

When I go to rub my aching head, I feel a sharp pain in my arm and cry out.

I can't move, the pain is unbearable.

As I lie there in the silence clutching my, what seems to be, broken arm, tears begin to fall.

Not because of pain.

Not because hunger.

But because through all the voices screaming in my head, there is one that breaks through them all.

It is soothing as it repeats over and over in my head.

"God's not done with you."

~~~ Chapter Ends ~~~

Author: Phew, glad that's done. *wipes sweat off of forehead*

Mia: Um, excuse me?

Author: Mia?

Mia: Yeah, it's me. *chuckles*

Author: Oh, hey girl.

Mia: Hey.

Author: So, what's up?

Mia: Well I was just wondering what will happen next?

Author: You know I can't tell you.

Mia: I know. *sighs* But can we at least have a teaser?

Author: No, Mia. Patience.

Mia: Pleeeeeeeaaasssseee.

Author: Ugh, FINE.

Mia: *throws hands in the air* Yaaaayyy Throw it at me girl.

Author: Someone saves you. Now, that's all you're getting so go back to the story.

Mia: What?! Who is it? I ain't leaving till I get an answer.

Author: Zion!

Zion: I'm on it. *drags Mia away.*

Mia: This isn't over!!!

Author: *to readers* You see what I have to deal with?

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