✒ Chapter 10 ✒

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Song: Nicki Minaj - Starships

~~~ Chapter Begins ~~~

"Hey, guys,"

Austin greeted giving us both hugs. He lingered longer than necessary while hugging Izzy.

"How long have you been here?"

"Around 5 minutes," Lee answered sipping from, you guessed it, a red solo cup.

"Well, why haven't you joined us yet?" Throwing his hands in the air.

Izzy just shrugs.

"Well come on then." He puts his arms around us.

As we are walking, I can hear the song Starships by Nicki Minaj blasting through the sandy beach air.

When we get to where the others are the first thing I notice is how good Zion looks.

He is wearing a gray sweater with a small soup can on it. I couldn't see what it said though. He had on white jeans and red shoes. He pulled the black beanie back on his head after running his hands through it from something Edwin was saying and scanned the crowd.

When he noticed us walking up to him, he smiles that beautiful smile of his, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

I briefly wonder what happened before we got here.

Then Edwin nudged him and he broke from whatever trance he was in.

That's when he did something no one expected.

He hugged me.

He. Hugged. Me.


He smelled so good. So, so good.

Suddenly, he pulled back with a smirk on his beautiful face.

"Are you smelling me?" He asked lowly. I thought no one heard, but a few snickers caught my ears.

If it weren't as dark outside, you would be able to see the blush on my face.

I quickly move away from him in embarrassment.

There was an awkward silence between us before he signed something.

Something that made my heart die and go to heart heaven.

"You look beautiful."

I still wondered how he could sign so elegantly.

And I am pretty sure you could see the blush on my face now despite my skin color.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

I signed back. He just smiled. We had been staring into each other's eyes for a few seconds when a collection of "aw's" broke out over the group.

I blushed again.

Someone nudged me. "We will talk about this later," Izzy said when the group had gone back to the conversation.

Good because I don't know what I am feeling right now.

| ~ | • | ~ |

"Mia!" Someone called from behind me. I had been walking along the shoreline of the beach by myself for the last 10 or so minutes.

I turned around to see Zion jogging up to me.

When he slowed next to me, I noticed how the moon reflected on his face, casting a shadow off of his long lashes and full lips. He looked so mystical just then, I wanted to capture this moment forever.

"Hey." He said. I just smiled, which he probably could only barely see because the sun had long since gone down.

"Can I walk with you?"

I furrow my brows. What was that about?

I just let it go when he gives me a 'don't ask' look.

"You already are." I signed jokingly before silence engulfed us as we just took a moment to notice our surroundings.

I tapped Zion after a while when a question that has been on my mind finally came to the forefront.

"Where did you learn to do sign language?"

I had been wondering this for a while.

"To be honest, I woke up one morning and decided I wanted to learn sign language. I wanted to do something different." I smiled, this boy was so well-rounded.

"You're so well-rounded."

I decided to sign my thoughts.

He chuckled. "Yeah, that's how life is when your parents are rich. You are sort of forced to learn these things. But learning sign language was my idea." He finished.

And I can't say I wasn't liking that.

"That is quite alright Mr.Kuwonu." I signed smiling up at him.

He smiled back at me as we stared into each other's eyes.

Dark chocolate on hazel. His eyes were so beautiful.

"You know, you have really pretty eyes." He said, all of a sudden lifting his head to push a stray strand of my hair behind my ear.

I noticed he was leaning closer to me.

Was he going to kiss me?

He was so close now that his cologne pleasantly surrounded me.

We were now a hair's breadth away and sharing our breaths.

He paused.

What is it?

Does he want me to make the first move?

Does my breath stink?

Do I stink?

Oh Gosh, what if I do stink?

But then he settled my thoughts my leaning in closer.

Just when he started to seal what I thought would be the first kiss of my dreams, I hear someone clear their throat from behind me.

Oh, come on!

We jump apart and when I turn my head, I see a little girl holding hands with what looks to be her mother.

The mother is glaring at us really hard and the girl looks like she saw a horse with cow legs give birth to flying pigs.

OK, that was weird.

Anyways, the blush that is on my face is red enough to color a tomato and when I look back to Zion I am so beyond embarrassed, I do something that I know I will regret for the rest of my life.

I run away.

~~~ Chapter Ends ~~~

So? She ran.

A/N: Surprise next chapter so be ready...

Also, quick question: How old are you guys? I am currently 15 years old.

Love you guys so, so, so, so, SO MUCH. Thx for all the votes, comments and follows!!! Byeeee.

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