✒ Chapter 2 ✒

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M I A   A N D R E W S


"You're late," Mrs.Crawford doesn't even look away from the white board as she says this, and just continues to write notes.

"We're aware Leslie," Muttered a boy walking to the back of the class with his friends. There were four of them in all.

The one that replied to the teacher was a tall, slim boy with brown eyes. His hair was shoulder-length and blonde, a dark brown-black color peeking from the roots. I instantly fell in love with it. There was also a small mole above the right side of his upper-lip.

The second one was shorter by a few inches with semi-short brown hair and a pair of ray-bans over his eyes. He was walking with a pretty blonde girl on his arm and a laid back smile on his thin lips.

The third one was the tallest of the group. He was very attractive, something I noticed the second I laid eyes on him. He had black hair and what looked like prescription glasses over his dark eyes. His pink lips were set in a thin line as if to scare someone off and I couldn't help hit think he looked like the typical hot nerd x1000.

The last one was also a bit on the shorter side. He looked way nicer than the others with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. He had been wearing an easygoing smile as the four walked back to their seats.

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't just call me by my first name and continue on with the lesson. It's highly advised that you get the notes you missed today from someone else, though I'm almost sure you won't," She muttered the last part, "glasses off Nick."

Then she's continuing with class like they never entered.

"Ok," I hear Izzy's voice come from beside me, "probably the most important information you'll need to know while attending this school, is who those boys are."

I look over at her, many questions clear in my furrowed brows and curious eyes.

"That one's Austin Porter. You know how every group has a jokester? That would be him. He also happens to be my best friend." She said, pointing to the one with long blonde hair; he was currently sitting with a big goofy smile on his face as the countless girls and boys laugh at whatever he just said or did. He looks like a total charmer.

"The one next to him is Nick Mara and that's his girlfriend Skyler." She said pointing to the shorter one with brown hair. Next to him is the pretty blonde I'd saw before, Skyler I'm presuming. Those two look so lost in their own world, I'm almost certain they forgot that we're in school.

"Next you have Edwin Honoret. He is kind of just the all around guy. He is friends with everyone; very sweet." This one was the one who I thought looked really friendly with the curly brown hair. He looked to be latino.

"Then there's Brandon Arreaga. He is crowned as one of the hottest guys in this school. As cliche as it all sounds, there are many students who'd jump at the chance to be with him. He doesn't really seem to engage in them a lot of times but every once in a while he'll take someone home."

Well he certainly looks like someone anyone would try and jump.

So these are some of the most important people in school. Not very promising but at least none of them seemed to be the type to bother or bully others.

"Oh! There is one person I forgot to mention who doesn't happen to be here right now, though he has this class. Zion Kuwonu; the boy who takes the title of the most good looking guys here. There's a lot of debate on whether he or Brandon is hotter than the other."

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