✒ Chapter 5 ✒

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Song: Katy Perry - Last Friday Night

A/N: I honestly have no idea what kind of song to put for this chapter. It's Friday so... Why not?

Also, this chapter is pretty short.

Recap: "As he got closer, I noticed that the familiar face turned into familiar faces as three other guys were behind him. "Can we sit with you?"

~~~ Chapter Begins ~~~

In the cafeteria, the tables are long with 6 seats on each side. So twelve in all. There are only 3 of us sitting at my table along with a couple on the other end which leaves 7 seats left. And there are 6 of them, including Nick's girlfriend. I think her name was Lacey. Or Layla or something.

Anyways it was 6 of them and seven seats. You do the math.

"Can we sit with you?" Zion asked with a relaxed smile on his face. He's always smiling.

I look to my friends. Izzy shrugs while Austin smiles at his friends. So I nod and let them sit down.

And guess who sat next to me.

That's right, Zion.

He smelled so heavenly, I'm pretty sure I salivated a little in my food.

OK, ew... I thought as I discreetly pushed my lunch tray away.

Anyways, every time our fingers brush together, I feel a zing shoot up that body part. It doesn't hurt at all. In fact, it actually feels kind of good.

I look up when I feel someone nudge me out of my thoughts.

It's Izzy.

You alright? She says with her eyes. I don't now how I know, but I do.

I subtly nod, as to say: yeah, I'm fine.

She nods, not completely believing me.

"So, Mia," The boy with the black glasses and soft looking black hair called me. I think his name was Brandon, "How long have you been here in California?" I panic because I can't talk and he asked me a question.

So, I hold up two fingers.

He raises his eyebrows. "Do you speak?" He asked, not very nicely in my opinion.

I look down in embarrassment.

Great. Now they are going to think that I am some kind of freak who is too dumb to talk.

Zion looks down at me for a moment before looking up to his friends. "B, get off her." He says with warning in his tone.

Brandon puts his hands up as if to surrender as Izzy talks to break the tension. But as the conversation continues, I can't help but notice the slight smirk he (Brandon) has playing on his lips.

"Hey are you going to eat your chicken tenders?" Austin asks me out of nowhere.

I shake my head no and pass him my tray.

| ~ | • | ~ |

It was now the end of the day and he had noticed me while at my locker, which is right next to his, and asked if he could talk to me.

"Sorry about what Brandon said earlier." Zion said guiltily as we exited the school doors.

"It's fine," I signed, happy that I don't have to write out my thoughts now. "I guess some people don't know what they are asking until they ask it." Zion chuckles. "Right."

It was silent for a moment. "Can I ask you a question?" I signed in the silence.

"You just did but sure." He said chuckling when I rolled my eyes.

"Why have you never asked me if I were mute?"

He smiles. "It isn't any of my business. I just kind of figured, which now that i say it aloud, does not sound all that nice."

I chuckled, the first sound I have made since I moved to this school.

And it was with Zion.

Not with Austin.

Not with Izzy.

But Zion.

~~~ Chapter Ends ~~






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