✒ Chapter 6 ✒

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Song: Dove Cameron: Fro yo yolo
(Idk why I thought this would be funny, but it kind of fits this chapter.)

Guys, I realize I haven't updated in over a week so here it is.

Guys, I realize I haven't updated in over a week so here it is

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~~~ Chapter Begins ~~~

I had been thinking about him since Monday.

His caramel skin, his beautiful smile, that smooth, strong voice. Those dark and mysterious eyes sparkling as they gazed fondly at me.

The faint sparks I felt whenever his hand grazed mine.

It clogged my mind filling it up with different questions.

Why is he talking to me?

When did he learn sign language?

How is he so fluent.

Why doesn't the fact that I can't talk not freak him out. (Not that I wan it to.)

Why was he so gorgeous? (OK, that one hasn't left my head since I first laid eyes on him.)

I had been so frustrated with these questions that I had to do something to get him out of my head.

So that is why on this sunny Saturday morning, I had asked Hayley and Austin to show me someplace where I can let go, and they led me here.

'Betty's Parlor'

It had read in big red words at the front of the building.

The parking lot was medium sized (whatever you consider that to be), but every single spot was filled. I'm surprised Austin found one when we got here.

But I am not complaining. This obviously means that the food inside was delicious.

The inside gave off a homey feel.

There were booths lining the walls and tables for two and four were scattered around with soft scented candles in the center of all the tables and booth tables.

It was the complete opposite of a parlor but somehow it just fit.

"So, what do you think?" Izzy had asked.

I had typed into my phone that 'I loved it!' earning a satisfied grin from her as we waited for Austin to come inside from parking the car.

"Mia, if you zone out one more time, I swear that I will dig my hand into your mind and read your thoughts myself." Izzy threatened.

I blushed.

Then her eyes softened. "What are you thinking about hun?" She asked softly.

I took out my phone and typed in my situation: 'So, Zion...'

Austin and Izzy look at each other and smile.

They would be cute together.

"Ooooooh. Does someone have a cruuuuuush?" They said in unison.

I blushed again. 'No!' I typed.

"OK, what's the problem."

'I don't know, he hasn't left my mind since we first met at my locker.'

They looked at each other again. That was seriously cute.

"You definitely like him."

'No I don't. I don't even know him.'

"Well, you're at least attracted to him. And with good reason, he is kind of really hot."

'Yeah, you didn't tell me he was that hot! I mean he is smokin'!'

"I did." She responded. 'When we were in class I told you he was one of the hottest boys in the school."

I then looked over to Austin to see him looking away with a subtle-but-not-all-that-subtle glare on his face.


| ~ | • | ~ |

"Ew, I am gonna kill you!" Izzy yelled as she ran out if the restaurant, Austin in tow with ice cream in his hand.

I guess I'll pay then! I yelled in my head. And if I could talk they would be getting a mouthful right about now.

As I am leaving the parlor I put my money on the counter. Its all I had left... I thought sadly.

While pouting, I didn't realize there was someone in front of me until I bump into them.

A certain someone who smells like new clothes and cologne.


~~~ Chapter Ends ~~~

So... Another short chapter.

Really short chapter.

It was just a sort of filler chapter. That was not my original plan, but, here it is. The next one is a filler too.

As you can all see, most of my chapters will be short.

Word Count: 694


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