✒ Chapter 13 ✒

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Song: Alan Walker - Sing me to sleep
(Not really a song for this chapter)

Guys I am so sorry that I am a day late. I was babysitting and forgot but here you go!

~~~ Chapter Begins ~~~

"So, why have you been avoiding me?" He asked.

The question so unexpected I almost didn't realize what he said.

I blush and answer him with what I know is a terrible excuse.

"I was not avoiding you. I was studying."

"Studying." He deadpan. I nod.

"For what?"

I say a random course.


"What teacher?" Whats with all the questions...


"So you're telling me, that the reason I haven't seen you all week is because you have been studying for Me.Fuller's algebra class."

I nod again, although hesitantly.

"See there's where I catch your lie. Mr.Fuller teaches advanced art." He smirks.

I blush again, embarrassed that I was caught in my lie.

"You're lucky you're cute or else I would be really mad." He chuckles, effectively chamging the topic.

Besides the fact that I was a little disappointed we didn't talk about the kiss, I also notice the fact that he called me cute.

Internally I am squealing like a super fan on crack, externally, I am blushing.

For the rest of the night the conversation is witty and carefree and when he offered to drop me home, that was just the icing on the cake.

| ~ | • | ~ |

"Thanks, Z." I sign, trying to slide in the new nickname I have for him.

Unfortunately, it doesn't go unnoticed.

"Z?" He asks. The confused look in his face is so adorable and I have to fight the urge to pinch his cheeks.

"Well if you get to give me a nickname it's only fair I give you one too."

"I didn't give you a nickname." He states.

"Does 'beautiful' sound familiar?"

"Oooooohhhhh." He says, all signs if confusion gone.

"Yeah." I sign because you can't emphasize sign language. Or at least I think you can't.

"Well it fits you, you are beautiful." I melt, that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.

My smart response is only a gaping mouth. I'm pretty sure I look like a fish. But he has rendered new speechless (well as speechless as a mute person can get,) for the thousandth time.

He chuckles. "Goodnight Mia." He then proceeded to emphasize my real name. It sounded foreign in his mouth.

I wave and watch as he drives of and down the street.

The second I turn around I hear the door slam open.


Oh, no.

"Who was that?" I was frozen in fear, I couldn't answer him.

"No one." I signed weakly. I would never tell him who it was, no matter how much he hurts me.

And I knew he would.

He chuckles, but not like Zion. No, his chuckle was full of evilness. Pure. Evilness.

To say I was scared was an understatement.

"So, you're not going to tell me?"

I shake my head. I won't ever do that to Zion.

That's when he grabs my upper arm, leaving a bruise I'm sure.

"Stay away from him, I saw what he looked like and if I see you near him again, we will move again. I can't have you risking our name over some stupid love you think you found. He wouldn't love you back anyways so I wouldn't get my hopes up." I nod.

With a punch to my stomach which will also leave a nasty bruise, I run upstairs to my room and cry.

I cry because of the pain I have been put through the years.

I cry because of my post family.

I cry because I know that I will never see Zion again.

~~~ Chapter Ends ~~~

So, she can't see Zion anymore.

How do you think he'll react?

Do you think she'll def his orders and still see Zion?

Our girl has some decisions to make.



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