Car Ride

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~Ana's POV~

It was Jack...

As carefully as I could, I unwound my arm from him and stood up. I decided to write him a note telling him that I would meet at school later on. Just as my socks were on and I was sitting on the bottom step I realized something "shit. I don't have a ride anywhere!!"

Jack must have heard me because when I turned around he was there.

"Ana? What's up?" he asked

"Oh I just need a ride back home thats all it's just cos I need to change and all yanno"

He replied with a simple nod. A second later he had his keys in his hands and was walking to his car dragging me along with him.

"I'll drive you Ana duh" he remarked trying to look as if he outsmarted me but he was still tired I could tell.

15 minutes later and we had arrived at my house. In that short amount of time he looked ready to pass out.

"15 minutes of your sleep really does knock you out doesn't it Gilinsky?" i said whilst climbing out of the car.

"Whaaaaattt" he said sarcastically in denial.

I laughed and thanked him then I did something that changed my life... I kissed him.

~Jack's POV~

She threw comments at me about my sleep and I brushed them off in a certain way making her laugh. I love to make her laugh. Then she did something that I will never forget... she kissed me on the cheek. I instantly blushed but wanted the feel of her soft lips on my cheek again. Within a few seconds though she had ran up the steps and into her house.

When I was just about to drive back home she sent me a text

*Thanks for the ride ;)*

I laughed to myself and drove home the rest of the way with the cheesiest grin plastered on my face.

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