I never knew...

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~Aaron's POV~

When we made our way down to the pool it was obvious that everyone was sad and dis-heartened; it hung over us like a cloud. Desperate to shake it off I jumped into the pool and re-surfaced taking my time. The water rushed around me as the boys all jumped in following my lead. Hopefully things will get better from here... right? I didn't even know Ana that well but I knew the boys well enough to know that to some she is their little sister but then again to others that they like her. Man we really are one big messed up bunch. But we are still a family and that is what counts. If that physcho killer tries to come after her or any of us for that matter, we will all come together and put him in the hospital without hesitation. I went under water with a determined face painted on my features. When I came back up the girls were here and zayum did they look hot. They all walked over and I swear for a second that Chloe winked at me. I quickly dove underwater to hide the fact that I was blushing. God when did I get so shy? ;)

~Taylor's POV~

When the girls came down I had to do a double take of Ana. She is so beautiful but I wish that she would know that and acknowledge the fact that she is. She is so insecure and it kills me inside that she is this way but she might not even think about me in this way at all. Taylor! Man up and put on a smile and make her smile as well. I sighed knowing that the voice inside my head was right. I do love her smile. I sighed but jumped out of the pool and ran over to Ana. I tackled her and pushed her over so that she fell into the pool in my arms. I laughed all the way and plucked in a deep breath as I went underwater. I opened my eyes and found Ana staring at me in amazement and she threw her head back and let out cascades of laughter. I smiled goofily as she laughed in front of me. I do love her smile. I love her laugh her smile her face her eyes her personality I just love every simple detail down to a T about her. Hehe did you get that? Down to a T? As in T for Taylor? Anyways back to Ana. I thought that she was happily caught up in the moment from her actions but her eyes were telling me a completely different story... What was going on?

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