Why am I here?

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|Later that day|

~Ana's POV~

I sat there in the waiting room chewing my nails off like my life depended on it. I was a mess. My hair was snaked around my head in a messy bun and I was wearing my sweats; with Jack in the hospital I had refused to move until I knew that he was alright. Running through my mind were the thoughts of the devil. He was taunting me telling me things that I never wanted to hear. Jack is dead. He will never wake up. You will never get him back and he will be gone forever and the worst part is that it is ALL YOUR FAULT. No matter how badly I tried, I could never shake these thoughts and the worst thing was that they were true... it would be all my fault if he never woke up. I wouldn't be able to function properly without him. Up until now I had never realized how much I truly depended on him and how much he had changed my life for the better. Yet in return what had I done? I had driven him into suicide without even knowing that anything was wrong. I took his life away from him. But I was supposed to be his bestfriend. My eyes welled up and I couldn't see anything properly as my vision turned blurry. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and bring me in for a hug. I didn't deny and inhaled the familiar scent of Cam as I sat there crying hopelessly in his arms.

~Jack's POV~

My eyes adjusted to the brightly lit room. Where could I be? Then it struck me like lightning. I was in the hospital... not heaven or hell? I frowned in confusion but before I could question anything my door opened quietly and Ana slipped in. Without thinking I squeezed my eyes shut and pretended that I was asleep. I could hear her sit down by my bed.

"Jack. Please don't leave me. I know that this is all my fault and for that I can never forgive myself. It would be insane for me to think that you would even talk to me again.
You are the best thing in my life and without you I just don't work nor do I function properly without you. You're a major part of my life and it is really ridiculous that I didn't even know this beforehand and I am so stupid for that. As much as it tears me apart, it would probably be the best thing for you. I should stay away from you. I don't want to hurt you again.
Please don't hate me okay? I know that you are well within your rights to hate me but please don't; it would break my already broken heart and I don't think I could take it. "

"I could never hate you Ana" I breathed as I turned onto my side facing her.

Her face turned pale as she was taken back but then she smiled and started jumping up and down with excitement. "JACK!! YOU WOKE UP" She screamed whilst pulling me in for the hug that I had been waiting for for a long ass time. I smiled but then I shuffled uncomfortably as my mouth spoke quickly

"Why are you here comforting me?" She was about to reply but I cut her short "No seriously why are you here when you should be holding hands with Taylor or something like that? Why on earth are you here comforting me when you obviously have feelings for Taylor. I just put you in the hospital for gods sake Ana. So tell me, why are you here with me?!"

It felt good to get that off my chest. I had a lot of emotions bottled up inside of me and I had let them loose without a second thought. What she said next though was the LAST thing that I was expecting to hear.

"Because you're you Jack. You are another part of me and I could never abandon you or leave you here for someone else. No way are you crazy? Jack I would and could never do that to you you mean too much to me. Way too much. You understand me like no-one else does and to me that is irreplaceable. I won't leave you okay Jackass?"

"Okay Anarchy"

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